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Feb 13, 2008
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This is the dumbest news item in the history of dumb news items.

Popping in to a local hamburger joint — Ray’s Hell Burger in Arlington, Va. — with veep Joe Biden in tow must have seemed like a feel-good, meet the people exercise with no downside.

Think again: the President’s request for spicy mustard or Dijon mustard has divided the country, or at the very least media commentators who surely have something better to do.

Here’s the clip that set off the furore:

“Obama: I’m going to have a — just your basic Cheddar cheeseburger, medium well. I just want mustard, no ketchup.
If you’ve got like a spicy mustard or something like that, or a Dijon mustard, something like that.”

According to the right-wing pundits chanelling manners’ maven Emily Post, a cheeseburger must be accompanied by ketchup. Preferring anything else makes you an elitist, according to Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Mark Steyn, whose comments are carried on the Media Matters Web site under the headline, “Dijon Derangement Syndrome”

Here’s Mark Steyn on the Rush Limbaugh show:
“It was wonderful watching the coverage of the hamburger visit. He’s amazing, Obama. This coverage — he’s a regular guy. He eats a hamburger with Dijon mustard — Dijon mustard. John Kerry couldn’t get away with that stuff, but he makes it seem like just like a regular thing to do. Now there’s — I see that some of the left-wing commentators are saying, ‘Why are people making a fuss about the Dijon mustard?’ but that’s just an example of the way Obama is able to enlighten us.”

In a leaden attempt at humour, Steyn goes on: “And I have to say, speaking as a foreigner, that I deeply resent Barack Obama crashing in as the Grey Poupon spokesperson, because that has been the lifesaver for non-American voiceover artists in this country for years — getting the gig doing the Grey Poupon voiceover.
You know, you do the, ‘Try the new Grey Poupon squeeze, one of life’s simpler pleasures.’ And the idea that Barack Obama now is going to be collaring — it’s in-sourcing, in effect.”

Several reasoned answers to the question, “What kind of man eats ketchup on a burger?” come from another source: David Frum blogging at, the site that is “building conservatism so it can win again.”

“First answer: Texans.
Texans traditionally eat hamburgers with mustard or with mayonnaise (or with both), but without ketchup. This is simply called a ‘hamburger’ in Texas, but is sometimes called a ‘Cowboy Burger’ or a ‘Texas Burger’ outside of Texas.
A hamburger with ketchup is sometimes called a ‘Yankee Burger.’ A hamburger with mayonnaise is sometimes called a ‘Sissy Burger’ …
Second answer: Republicans. A 2000 survey of members of Congress by the National Hot Dog Council found that 73% of Republican lawmakers preferred mustard to ketchup, as opposed to 47% of Democratic lawmakers.
Final answer: traditionalists. Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Conn., the restaurant widely believed to have served the first hamburgers ever made in the United States, absolutely forbids ketchup.”

The fact Republican commentators are spending all this time on Obama's choice of condiment only feeds suggestions they are short of ideas to reinvigorate their party. As John Amato notes on Crooks & Liars, “If the Republican Party wants to go on a listening tour to figure out what they need to do, they may start turning off their radios and televisions too. Every day we post about the absurdity that is the Republican Party and every day a completely new mind-numbing smear comes out.
I understand what they are doing. They feel if they keep chipping away at President Obama with nonsensical complaints, it will slowly erode his popularity. The problem they face is that they look like loons doing it, and all the polls point to the same conclusion. It’s good for ratings on Fox, because those uber-loons are watching the little horde of Republican lunatics in action with a fervent glee, but mainstream America is laughing at them.”

For the record, Mr. Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeño peppers, but was allowed to lunch in peace.

My mind is reeling in how silly the GOP has become. I would probably never vote for them, but this is just sad. Its not good for anybody to have the nominal opposition quite so dumb. Its not good to have people quite so dumb at all come to think of it. Were it up to me, they would be liquidated and replaced with replicas of Milton Friedman's DNA spliced in with frogs, a la Jurassic Park.
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Yeah, this one is a classic. I would expect another half-decade or so--at least--of this silliness before the GOP come to their senses. The comparison is often made to the Tories in the UK post-1997, but I think that the Republican Party may be so rotted to its core that we should be thinking more along the lines of a Labour-after-79 timescale.

For the record, I enjoy Dijon mustard and ketchup on a burger, which I guess makes me a Menshevik or something.
The GOP won almost 50% of the vote in this last election. Don't think this nonsense doesn't appeal to a huge base of dummies.
Since when does a cheeseburger have to have ketchup--bland tomato and sugar topping versus the bite of mustard? No contest. At least barbecue sauce has some life in it. ;)

But seriously, this is just a sign the Republicans are hitting rock bottom and Fox and Rush are leading the party by the nose through sensationalism. The fact Steyn played along with this manufactured stupidity is unfortunate, as he tends to be a lot more intelligent than your average right wing pundit.
The GOP won almost 50% of the vote in this last election. Don't think this nonsense doesn't appeal to a huge base of dummies.

Of course, don't think all of that vote was from the dummy base. But it's true that the "dumminess" is becoming more palpable to casual observers.

And its strength in the realm of Rush and Fox might just as well demonstrate the obsolescence--or at least the degraded status--of that style of "entertainment programming" in a new-media age. It's a comfort zone to those with warm and friendly life-defining memories of the golden age of the Big 3 networks or of AM Top 40, not just as entertainment options but as, shall we say, Warhol/McLuhan-era subliminal definers of mass society (not that they'd *know* who Warhol or McLuhan was, but no matter). But to younger demos or those that've acclimatized themselves to new media, it comes across as cheap and shabby as casino slots. And as with casino slots, it's interesting that even with all the apparently current-style trappings, bells, and whistles, the audience mean remains 60+ and counting.

Worth reading.
i gotta try me some of that fancy elitist mustard on my liberty stake. only i'll call it yeller belly frenchman's blood on account that i caught some kind of mental disorder when my clicker ran outta batteries and the TV got stuck on fox.
It's funny how apologists for mass media banality invoke the likes of Wal-Mart on behalf of "banality works"--yet as far as I know, the grocery section of Wal-Mart (at least, the well-stocked ones that were supposed to stand a threat to Loblaws et al) isn't *un*likely to carry some sort of Dijon-type mustard. In fact, the inclusion thereof can be invoked as a reason why Wal-Mart works.

Yeah, sure. Only French's type ballpark mustard and nothing else, because "nobody's" interested in anything else. Yeah, these Rush Republicans abhor "socialism", yet the absurd reductivism of their kind of market-based logic makes me think of nothing so much as Soviet Bloc states of yore, selection-wise...
Unloading Mark Steyn on the Americans was the biggest coup we ever scored.

I remember when he used to write for the National Post, basically being a proselytizing dickmouth bashing Islam.
Unloading Mark Steyn on the Americans was the biggest coup we ever scored.

I remember when he used to write for the National Post, basically being a proselytizing dickmouth bashing Islam.

Mark Steyn, the Conrad Black supporter in print. I'm sure he was down there to visit his pal in the slammer and he will return shorty to push his pen for Macleans.
I used to think Steyn was funny, now I see him as a neocon and nothing much else in terms of his writing.
Unloading Mark Steyn on the Americans was the biggest coup we ever scored.

I remember when he used to write for the National Post, basically being a proselytizing dickmouth bashing Islam.

Mark Steyn is a fairly entertaining writer, but as soon as he tries to tackle issues bigger than how liberalism is really no different from Stalinism, it all falls apart. His grasp of demographics is worse than that of a beagle.

As for condiments, it depends what kind of burger you are talking about. A nice blue cheese burger doesn't need vinegary taste of Dijon and would benefit from the tangy sweetness of ketchup. A bacon burger on the other hand has can have its sweet bacon flavor overwhelmed by the sugar in ketchup, and is reinforced by pungent mustard.
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What about those of us that eat burgers with baba ganoush and hot sauce?

That just makes you Mideast fundamentalist sympathizer. God forbid should the meat is Halal - then you're simply one of them.


Does he still write for Macleans?

