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Dalton's Plan for New Revenue... It's Amazing! *yawwwn*



If raising the tobacco taxes is the best that Dalton can come up with for new revenue, then he will turn out to be quite a disappointment.

Excerpts from CP24:

A report claims the province’s newly elected Liberal government might surprise smokers during Thursday’s Throne Speech by announcing a ban on cigarettes in the workplace and indoor public spaces.

But wait, there’s more. Tobacco taxes could be boosted. Reports say they might increase by as much as $15 per carton, meaning the total cost would be almost $75.

The boost would help the Liberals by increasing government revenues by $800 million a year. That’s according to a report done by the Non-Smokers’ Rights Association.

“We happen to have the cheapest cigarettes in the country,†Premier Dalton McGuinty explained on Tuesday. “I took the opportunity to speak (to Quebec Premier) Mr. Charest about moving in lockstep. They've got the second least expensive cigarettes. In order for us to ensure we're not leading to promoting an underground economy, we'd like to move forward together in lockstep when it comes to raising the price of cigarettes in both Ontario and Quebec.€
Charge more tax on cancer sticks. I say raise it by another $15 bucks, and come talk to me again next month.
If the governments were really concerned about people's health, they would ban them outright. But both Ottawa and Queen's Park are highly addicted to the tax revenue from cigarettes.

Don't have a plan on how to increase gov't revenue? Simple... just raise the "SIN" taxes. How ingenious of them. They all deserve an award for their creative thinking.

Speaking of Dalton... I was reading that the Liberals have informed the NDP MPP's that they are not allowed to use the word "NDP" in any way, shape, or form due to the fact that they're not an official party (The Liberals seriously need to get off their illusionary high horse)

Now the PC's are making plans with the NDP to send over a PC member to join them, so that the NDP can finally become an official opposition party in Ontario.

As much as I liked Dalton after the election, the arrogance displayed by the Liberals lately is getting to me. If they choose to follow a gentler version of the same arrogant path that Harris took, they're all gonna end up in the same pile of sh*t as the PC's did, 4 years from now.
Hah. Yeah, let the smokers cover the deficit. Then maybe we can get them to clean up the streets, help out at hospitals and dig some subways! Work, smoker! Work!!
Sounds like a good idea to me! $800 million is quite a bit of money.
If the governments were really concerned about people's health, they would ban them outright.

Try doing that as a government and see how quickly the voters turf you out at the next election...not to mention probable NAFTA challenges from cigarrette manufacturers, a gigantic increase in smuggling, the creation of tens of thousands of new 'criminals' with all the police work that that would entail...

Let's give the government the benefit of the doubt here and assume that they realize that perhaps the thing that's morally right isn't always realistic. Really, other than raising taxes and educating people on the perils of smoking, what else can they do?

Obviously they bring in a lot more in revenue than they will ever spend on's a cash cow, no doubt (even taking into account the increased health costs the smokers put on the system, they still contribute more than they take out), but hey, in the end they're taxing something that's completely voluntary, completely unnecessary, and has no positive benefits to society (other than, ironically, the tax revenue it brings in). What's the problem?

If by doing this we can afford to put some money into health care, fund transit, bring harmony back to schools, or bring about any number of other positive benefits, then I say tax away.
I don't smoke, so its of no consequence to me. However, it irritates me how they try and make it seem as though they're genuinely doing it for the benefit of the smokers. I am not buying that P.R. bullsh*t one bit.

If Dalton wasn't faced with the deficit he has on his hands right now, I am betting that this tax would not even be considered. But he is scrambling to try and keep some of the promises he made, and he needs some money fast. So he is using smokers to increase his gov't coffers to the tune of $800 Million. What is he going to do next year for extra revenue? Perhaps he'll increase the tax on the already over-taxed liquor?

If the govt's were really so concerned with the health of the people and the strain on the health care system [which is their excuse for the tax on cigarettes] then one would expect them to show their genuine concern for our welfare by imposing an extra 'health tax' on Junk food, Fast Food and other artery clogging heart busting foods. Fatty diets contribute more to the development of heart disease and strokes than smoking ever will. They also affect more Canadians than smoking does, and hit the health care system to the tune of billions.

So why aren't those things being taxed like cigarettes are? Maybe because everyone would take a massive sh*tfit. Smokers only make up 25% of the voting population. The gov't can get away with taxing cigarettes. They wouldn't be able to get away with adding a health tax on Donuts, Greasy Fries, and McBurgers.
NT, the Tories hiked cigarette taxes before... why are you so cynical about it now? Having the cheapest cigarettes in North America is not a good thing - this is a good move by the Grits.
I guess I was expecting more from Dalton. Perhaps some innovative ideas. He really showed a lot of promise right after the election. But this $800 million cash grab, as well as the Liberal's recent negative [and unfair] behaviour displayed towards the NDP, has really annoyed me. It seems like the same old, same old all over again.

As for the cigarette tax... for once I'd love to hear the real reason behind it: "We desperately need the money. Taxing cigarettes is an easy option for us, with little flak. Thats why were doing it. We really couldn't care less about the smoker's welfare... we just need the cash" Now if they said that, I'd respect it. They'd be honest for a change.
I smoke and I don't mind this (I'm trying to quit so this will help). Now I'd also like to see an increase in the gas tax by 5 cents that would go towards transportation.
what i would like to see it the government take over auto insurance and after all the claims for the fiscal year paid out, donate all the profits tward public transportation.
>NT, the Tories hiked cigarette taxes before... why are you so
>cynical about it now? Having the cheapest cigarettes in
>North America is not a good thing - this is a good move by
>the Grits.

I don't smoke, so I really don't care what they do here..... but I seem to remember a while back (I think it was the Tories -- maybe before) having to lower taxes ..... because a large percentage of the sticks were being smuggled in to avoid taxes..... unintended consequences was -- more organized crime, more police resources required, etc. Is this going to take it back to this?
The way to make a dent in smoking is to make it inconvenient.... ban smoking in all restaurants, pubs, bars, or any public venue.
Grandfather out cancer sticks.

Anyone who wants to start smoking, and isn't doing it right now gets cut off from any treatment for smoking-related diseases. Anyone smoking now is left untouched.
