"Dear Mr Valcke, In view of the decision by the South African Government that an amount of US$ 10 million be paid to the 2010 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee South Africa, the South African Football Association requests that FIFA withholds an amount of US$ 10 million from the Organising Committee's future operational budget funding and thereafter advances the amount to the Diaspora Legacy Programme.
"In addition, SAFA requests that the Diaspora Legacy Programme be administered and implemented directly by the President of CONCACAF who shall act as a fiduciary of the Fund.
"SAFA therefore confirms that:
"1. FIFA shall withhold US$ 10 million from the Organising Committee's future operational budget funding in order to finance the Diaspora Legacy Programme, thereby reducing the Organising Committee's overall budget from US$ 423 million to USD$ 413 million.
"2. The Diaspora Legacy Programme shall be administered and implemented directly by the President of CONCACAF who shall act as a fiduciary of the Diaspora Legacy Programme Fund of US$ 10 million.
"Yours faithfully, Dr M Oliphant."