Toronto CAMH Queen Street | 60.3m | 7s | CAMH | Diamond Schmitt + KPMB + TreanorHL + HOK

Adelaide can continue West without renaming the street because numbering goes East>West from Yonge St. They'll just add new numbers after Shaw.
When the City assumes ownership will they actually name the streets properly too?

I think they'll retain the new names given. Adding a south end to an existing street implicates renumbering the existing street because the numbers begin on the south.

It was suggested for Ossington that the continuation of this street to the south be named Lower Ossington. That's a good solution for Ossington but smaller streets like White Squirrel Way have no reason to be renamed by their northern equally small street neighbours.

I've heard somewhere that mapmakers hate it when long names are given to short streets, and map users should hate it too: long names on short streets mean cluttered and hard-to-read maps. Boo! Hiss!

Thanks for that Alvin.

Regarding the little Janet Rosenberg designed parquette along White Squirrel Way was buzzing with activity today. Several people were on site doing landscaping. I think it'll be finished in the next couple of days.
I noticed one of the "New Streets" in the plan has "Private Road" in brackets. So much for being incorporated into the city street grid.
White Squirrel Way

Toronto Street Update
May 30, 2008
Globe and Mail

It's official.

The new southward extension of Fennings Street into the campus of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) will be known henceforth as White Squirrel Way.

The name is an abomination.

As the massive overhaul of the hospital unfolds, streets are to penetrate the monolithic site from two sides.

The goal is to transform the hospital into what CAMH calls an "urban village" of normal buildings stitched into the urban fabric by means of "normal" thoroughfares. CAMH is keen to shed the stigma of a crazy house isolated from ordinary urban life.

So what has the hospital done to announce its brave change of image?

It has dubbed its first through street after the albino rodents that scamper on its lawns. They are, of course, abnormal creatures, much like what many people believe the mentally ill to be.

Then consider the slang mutation of "squirrel" into "squirrelly," meaning nuts.

What a name for a new street into a hospital trying to rescue its patients and itself from a reputation for oddity!

The hospital should change the name to something that clearly indicates CAMH's relation to its neighbourhood: South Fennings Street or perhaps Lower Fennings Street, or - the best option - just Fennings Street.

Any one of these monikers would signal that CAMH is sincere in wanting to join the city after nearly 160 years of isolation from it.
Toronto Street Update
May 30, 2008
Globe and Mail

It's official.

The new southward extension of Fennings Street into the campus of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) will be known henceforth as White Squirrel Way.

The name is an abomination.

As the massive overhaul of the hospital unfolds, streets are to penetrate the monolithic site from two sides.

The goal is to transform the hospital into what CAMH calls an "urban village" of normal buildings stitched into the urban fabric by means of "normal" thoroughfares. CAMH is keen to shed the stigma of a crazy house isolated from ordinary urban life.

So what has the hospital done to announce its brave change of image?

It has dubbed its first through street after the albino rodents that scamper on its lawns. They are, of course, abnormal creatures, much like what many people believe the mentally ill to be.

Then consider the slang mutation of "squirrel" into "squirrelly," meaning nuts.

What a name for a new street into a hospital trying to rescue its patients and itself from a reputation for oddity!

The hospital should change the name to something that clearly indicates CAMH's relation to its neighbourhood: South Fennings Street or perhaps Lower Fennings Street, or - the best option - just Fennings Street.

Any one of these monikers would signal that CAMH is sincere in wanting to join the city after nearly 160 years of isolation from it.
I don't mind the name "White Squirrel Way" per se, I just think it should be given to one of the new streets, not one of the side streets that's now just continuing into the site.
From the Daily Commercial News:

November 10, 2008

Three companies invited to submit proposals for CAMH phase 1B redevelopment


Infrastructure Ontario and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) have announced the short-listed companies that will be invited to participate in the request for proposals stage to design, build, finance and maintain the Centre’s Phase 1B capital redevelopment project.

CAMH’s Phase 1B project includes over 450,000 square feet of new construction at its 27-acre site on Queen Street West in Toronto. As part of the project, an existing administrative building will be demolished to make way for three new buildings.

Based on a request for qualifications (RFQ) process that began in June 2008, five companies were pre-qualified for the project.

Three companies were short-listed and will be invited to submit proposals for the project in late 2008. The short-listed companies include:

• Integrated Team Solutions — EllisDon Corporation, LPF Infrastructure Fund, Fengate Capital, Honeywell Limited Facilities Management, BC Capital Markets and Parkin Architects Limited and Architecture (joint venture).

• Plenary Health — PCL Constructors Canada Inc., Johnson Controls, Plenary Group, B H Architects.

• Carillion Canada Inc. — Vanbots Construction Corporation, Carillion Services, Scotia Capital and Stantec Architecture Ltd., Architects.

The two remaining pre-qualified companies will act as reserves:

• Queen West Partners — Aecon Concessions, Black & McDonald, CIT Energy and Infrastructure, Perkins Eastman Black Architects Inc.; and

• IBI Group Architects (joint venture) Aspire/Meridiam — Walbridge-Aldinger, Dalkia Canada Inc., KPMG and Farrow Partnership Architects Inc.

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