Toronto Beacon Condos | 124.66m | 35s | Sorbara | Wallman Architects

How far up and down the block will it be going? Does it include the Asian Legend building? This project sounds good to me. The rendering suggests that the building might have some visual interest, which is nice, and the block it's on is one of the most unimpressive in the area. I'm all for encouraging office development, but I think that's more suited to sites immediately adjacent to the subway and this is too far north of NYC station. Yonge and Sheppard is the most obvious spot, and the Gibson House and DeBoer's lands would also be suitable.

This is a good project and I hope to see it rising soon.

Here is what I came up with.

Blue is Gibson Square, Red is this development and Green is Centrium.

Centrium starts from the autobody shop, so North of 5224 Yonge Street. Anything South of that address to Pear Blossom will be this proposal (so Asian Legend is included - the small strip plaza - I am assuming this though).

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The first and second picture reminds me of something - what this area needs is more non-restaurant type streetfront retail to draw people in (whether it be chain or independent businesses).
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We've put up a dataBase page for this one - it's got another rendering too.
I dont know if this city application is for this (5200 Yonge) or the strip mall south:confused:..not sure, but i believe there might even be a total of 3x36s buildings for these addresses incl. 5200 Yonge

5182-5190 YONGE ST
OPA / Rezoning 12 116282 NNY 23 OZ Ward 23
- North York Feb 2, 2012 --- --- --- Chlon, Mark

Official Plan Amendment application to permit a 36-storey residential tower including a 3-storey base building non-resdiential uses, inlcuding retail uses along the Yonge Street frontage. The site is currently designated "Mixed Use Area B" in the North York Centre Secondary Plan which permits a maximum 50% residential uses.
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New report from March 26, 2012

5182-5192, 5200 and 5218 Yonge Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report:

This Zoning By-law Amendment application accompanies a previously submitted Official Plan Amendment application to permit a 36-storey (125 metre) residential tower, including a 3-storey base building with non-residential uses. The subject property is located on the west side of Yonge Street, between Park Home Avenue and Ellerslie Avenue, and is municipally known as 5182-5192, 5200 and 5218 Yonge Street. This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's direction on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process. It is recommended that a community consultation meeting be scheduled by staff in consultation with the Ward Councillor. A final report and public meeting under the Planning Act to consider the application is targeted for the fourth quarter of 2012.
Any update on this project? Similar to the Centrium one, I've searched high and low, but no updates.
X2 meets Tableau.

The retail podium looks very open and engaging which is nice to see.
Will the retail podium be multilevel, like what is shown in the renderings? The report is a little difficult to parse...

X2 meets Tableau.

The retail podium looks very open and engaging which is nice to see.
There was a public meeting on June 18 and will go to council this fall for final approval I expect.
There is fencing all around the site now and heavy equipment beside the old McdDonald's building. I think they are starting the project.
There is fencing all around the site now and heavy equipment beside the old McdDonald's building. I think they are starting the project.

huh ? There was never a mcdonlands on this site ! This is just north of the Gibson square development.
