Looks like there are upcoming redevelopment plans for this row of low-rises along the SE corner of Yonge/Charles.
671 Yonge: new tower under discussion to wrap around Yonge Street and onto Charles Street East
That's some pretty forgettable architecture, but the problem remains the substitution of diverse and interesting retailers with long, sterile storefronts housing banks and the like. That aside, I bet you could get 50 or more storeys here no problem. This is a block from Yonge & Bloor.
Very true. This is a pretty important block for the counterculture types and it would be a shame to see it replaced with something sterile. I highly doubt a head shop and Vapour Lounge would ever be allowed to set up shop in a new condo. They certainly aren't short on business so I wonder if they would relocate nearby. Places like this, though hated by many, are important parts of Yonge Street's character.
Now there is no love-loss for what exists
Another highrise to provide afternoon shadow on the few remaining green spaces in the neighbourhood.
^ There will eventually be a tipping point when we get enough new condo density. You can only have so many drug stores, dry cleaners, nail salons, etc. before the niche businesses pick up the remaining empty slots.
Another highrise to provide afternoon shadow on the few remaining green spaces in the neighbourhood.
Funny how you complain about park shadows here, but ICE and other south core developments are more than welcome despite shadowing over roundhouse park.
AG once again writes off a stretch of the urban fabric in favour of height.
Gotta agree. People here seem to have a hate on for any developments on yonge, and I must admit, they often have points about heritage preservation. But to be opposed to a development simply because we are loosing a couple of stores, which will likely be gone by the end of the decade anyways, is just silly.
...the added density and living space is totally worth it.