Developer: Capitol Buildings
Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 40-46 Spadina Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 331 ft / 100.76 mStoreys: 30 storeys
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Toronto 46 Spadina Avenue | 100.76m | 30s | Capitol Buildings | Wallman


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May 23, 2007
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Don't think I've seen this on the forum so I thought I'd add it to the mix. I was by on the weekend and the building looks like it might be in the process of being vacated. The site was approved in May/06 for a 19 storey condo on Spadina and an 11 storey condo at the rear of the site (378 Wellington). The architect is listed as Architects Alliance on the Staff Report, not sure who the developer is though (appears at this point to be the current owner). Details here:

The Staff Report mentions a proposal to redevelop 400 Wellington as well (outlined in yellow on the aerial map) but I think it's a fairly recent submission. Other than a public invite by Adam Vaughan to view the proposal 07.06.29.pdf I haven't seen any other information about it.






A perfect loft location! I'd hate to see those beautiful and aged buildings disappear; rather I look forward to the day when those two gas stations are redeveloped. It always seems weird to be walking along an urban st (wellington admittedly is kind of suburban--all that parking space between and in front of buildings for example, the Globe and Mail eyesore..) and suddenly being reminded of the dominance of the automobile and driver in downtown Toronto. It makes Toronto seem like a small town: what is valuable land doing being wasted on low density filling stations??? Sure a condo/building on top of the gas stn makes sense--but all that car oriented stuff? From a pedestrian's point of view, rather scary!

Spadina is a very strange street--residential rooming houses to apartments to university residences to rundown retail to lofts to gas stations to outlandish highrises, it's a mess! Spadina could be a stunning boulevard filled with cafes and beautiful buildings: it's downtown, centrally located and near all the happening districts. It represents all that is Toronto and all that is right and wrong with the city! Spadina--get focused or get lost!
Spadina is the most mixed up street in Toronto by far.

Starts up as a massive 6-lane road through city place. Then it runs over the railways into a new up and coming area with lots of new condos. Then it goes through China town and then through roaming houses and then it becomes suddenly high class after Bloor like many streets in inner Toronto.
an 8 storey, 35 metre office proposal was submitted for 400 Wellington a few years ago
Where will poor little Historica go now that the Bronfman's have long blown it all on movies, music and French water companies run by lunatics?
The 400 Wellington project is being developed by the Sorbara Group (Broadview Lofts, Sixty-Loft) as a condo with retail on the ground floor. The retail will be on the "animated" alleyway running north/south, that will be open for pedestrians all the way from Wellington to King Street (as it currently does). These kinds of alleyways are becoming a bit of a trademark for King Spadina.
I like the animated alleyway idea a lot. I just hope that they don't destroy too many of the old buildings. It seems like it would be very attractive as a renovated property, and maybe they can develop something around it.
These kinds of alleyways are becoming a bit of a trademark for King Spadina.

One can hope for such things. The area has much potential for this.
too bad. would've been great for loft developement.
Spadina is the most mixed up street in Toronto by far.

Starts up as a massive 6-lane road through city place. Then it runs over the railways into a new up and coming area with lots of new condos. Then it goes through China town and then through roaming houses and then it becomes suddenly high class after Bloor like many streets in inner Toronto.

I think it imperative that we put a stop to roaming houses - why just the other day as I tried to cross Harbord, a duplex got in my way and would not let me pass. I was well narked.
too bad. would've been great for loft developement.

Agreed. What upsets me is not the fact that we will loose two older buildings, but that they will be replaced with homogenized, bland, mostly-glass aA bunkers.

However, I have not seen any renders, so I'll leave any further criticism to a more visual target.
That's a huge shame. That building is perfect on this block with the other restored buildings up at King, and the other one just south of Wellington with the glowing red entrance (I believe this is the office of an architect?).
