Developer: University of St. Michael's College in the University of Toronto, University of Toronto
Architect: KPMB Architects
Address: 113 St Joseph St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Student Dorm), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Education)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 29 storeys
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Toronto Kelly Library Redevelopment | ?m | 29s | St. Mike's | KPMB


New Member
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May 5, 2023
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New on the Bay Cloverhill community website: a proposal I hadn't seen previously for the Kelly Library at 113 St. Joseph.

Screenshot 2024-11-29 151154.png
Screenshot 2024-11-29 151249.png
Screenshot 2024-11-29 151310.png
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...that will be 2 down now along that street. /sigh
Well there goes a Hollywood favorite street for filming.

As for the proposal itself, it's early but definitely needs improvement. The podium is not bad, but can definitely be improved. As for the student residence tower itself...yeah that one definitely needs work.
