Developer: Dream Unlimited, Great Gulf, Waterfront Toronto
Address: 333 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 647 ft / 197.20 mStoreys: 56 storeys
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Developer: Dream Unlimited, Great Gulf, Waterfront Toronto
Address: 333 Lake Shore Blvd E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 780 ft / 237.70 mStoreys: 72 storeys
Project Forum 2 posts
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Toronto Quayside: Blocks 3, 4 & 5 | 237.7m | 72s | Dream | a—A

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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The changes specific to Blocks 3, 4 and 5 will be slotted here per @Paclo pending some reorganization of Quayside threads.

Applicable ZBA link:

Architecture is still fuzzy for these ones, but there is an overall render of Quayside in w/downtown that's nice, we'll start there:


Now for the fuzzy stuff:




This thread will be used for discussions relating to Blocks 3, 4 &5 of the Quayside Master Plan. This is the eastern half of the lands (east of Small Street).

Project pages for Block 3 and Block 4 can be accessed at the header of this thread. When more information is released regarding the institutional building at Block 5, a project page will be created.

Below are the massing perspectives highlighting Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4 in orange:
PLN - Renderings or Perspective Drawings - Binder2-0.png
PLN - Renderings or Perspective Drawings - Binder2-1.png
PLN - Renderings or Perspective Drawings - Binder2-2.png
PLN - Renderings or Perspective Drawings - Binder2-3.png

If you are confused which building or thread to post in, hopefully this helps:
PLN - Renderings or Perspective Drawings - Binder2-0 - Copy.jpg
