Developer: Trinity Point Development, Acamar Dwelling Corporation
Address: 2072 Lakeshore Rd, Burlington
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 234 ft / 71.40 mStoreys: 20 storeys
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Burlington The Burleau | 71.4m | 20s | Trinity Point | Graziani + Corazza

just east of the creek

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May 1, 2020
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I was in the downtown area of Burlington, taking some photos of other building under way, and viewed
these notices posted on fencing across the street ( south side of Lakeshore). I could not find any documentation on the City of Burlington web site, but that might just be me. The site has been a parking lot for some time and is bordered on at least three sides by built, building, or in application, major condo developments. This would probably be more of the same.
New pre-application for the almost-triangular site at the bottom of Pearl street in downtown Burlington.

"The proposed development of the subject lands features a 27 storey mixed-use building with 276 residential units and at-grade retail along Lakeshore Road and Old Lakeshore Road. The development proposes 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. An application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment will be required to permit the proposed development."

Screenshot 2024-03-12 155801.png

Screenshot 2024-03-12 155754.png

The site is located beside the Bridgewater development with the Pearle by Marriott, and across Lakeshore Blvd. from Nautique and BeauSoleil condos currently under construction. The site is currently mostly parking lot with a house which had been converted to a small office space, but the whole site has been fenced off since July 2023.

Screenshot 2024-03-12 155839.png

Screenshot 2024-03-12 155859.png

Since this is pre-app there isn't much info and the one rendering and preliminary site plan are quite small images. I'll keep an eye out for more info coming soon.
I hope they are going to buy at least one waterfront property nearby for an offsite parkland dedication.

Otherwise, looks decent, has supportable precedent.
It got downgraded to only 20 stories now. No idea why… Rip
I think the current zoning for the site is DL-A, so up to 10 stories I believe.

Given some of the more recent issues with the OLT that nearby properties have encountered, perhaps they felt an ask for 20 stories was enough. Strictly a guess on my part as nothing of note seems to be posted.

It is a bit curious given that there are some truly ugly builds underway nearby that are turning Lakeshore into a canyon., but are a few stories higher.

This is a far more interesting building visually.
I think the current zoning for the site is DL-A, so up to 10 stories I believe.

Given some of the more recent issues with the OLT that nearby properties have encountered, perhaps they felt an ask for 20 stories was enough. Strictly a guess on my part as nothing of note seems to be posted.

It is a bit curious given that there are some truly ugly builds underway nearby that are turning Lakeshore into a canyon., but are a few stories higher.

This is a far more interesting building visually.
The 3 buildings on the island with it are all 27 stories, as was this one originally
