Branden Simon
Senior Member
37 Bartlett Ave in Grimsby - The proposed development consists of four 3.5-storey stacked townhouse blocks. Blocks 1, 3, and 4 each contain 28 residential units, and Block 2 contains 32 residential units, for a total of 116 proposed on the subject lands. The four townhouse blocks are oriented to the interior of the site, which includes surface parking and the entrance to underground parking. A total of 175 vehicular parking spaces (1.5 spaces per townhouse unit) are provided within surface and underground parking. Surface parking contains 45 total vehicular parking spaces, of which 9 are accessible parking spaces. Underground parking contains 130 total vehicular parking spaces. The proposal provides 14 bicycle parking spaces. Vehicular access to the townhouses and underground parking will be from private condominium driveway from Bartlett Avenue. Children’s playground “tot lot” is proposed as common amenity area. Private amenity areas are rooftop terraces for upper storey units, and balconies for lower level units. Internal sidewalks provided along the condominium driveway.
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