Developer: Bayvest Capital Corp
Architect: Petroff Partnership Architects
Address: 37 Shorncliffe Rd, Toronto
Category: Commercial (Office, Industrial)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 66 ft / 20.12 mStoreys: 5 storeys
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Toronto 37 Shorncliffe | 20.12m | 5s | Bayvest Capital Corp | Petroff Partnership Architects

A virtual meeting today...

37 Shorncliffe Road
June 29, 2023
7:00 PM – Virtual Hearing

Virtual meeting to discuss Rezoning to redevelop the subject site with a 5-storey self-storage warehouse building (29.26 metres to the top of the elevator penthouse) as well as three 1-storey buildings divided into 28 condominium industrial/office units.
