Toronto Lawrence Heights Triangular Park | City of Toronto | Dillon


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Apr 24, 2007
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Lawrence Heights Triangular Park

The City is currently in the process of designing a new park in Lawrence Heights as part of the Lawrence-Allen Redevelopment project. The yet to be named park will include a playground, walkways and planting. In addition, it is anticipated that public art shall be incorporated in the development of the park.

Project Timeline

  • 2020: Detailed Design Development
  • 2021: Tendering and Contract Documents
  • 2022: Start of Construction
  • 2023: Park Completion
This timeline is subject to change.

Conceptual Plan of Lawrence Heights Triangular Park

Timeline now updated with work on the park anticipated to begin in Summer 2025:

Project Timeline

  • 2023 to 2024: Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) site servicing and base park requirements
  • Fall 2024: Finalize contract documents and land transfer to the City
  • Spring 2025: Hire a construction team
  • Summer 2025: Construction starts
  • Fall 2025: Construction complete, park opens
This timeline is subject to change.
Wow construction will be completed in just a few months after beginning? This would be a record for Toronto standards, i'll believe it when I see it.
You could easily triple that timeline and I'd still be amazed if it got done in time.
You could easily triple that timeline and I'd still be amazed if it got done in time.
What i suspect is going to happen is that the Fall 2025 will be constantly moving out further and further as construction "progresses", and then eventually the park will be "opening soon" with no solid date until a month or two before the park is actually complete.
