Developer: Castlepoint Numa, KIN Capital Partners Inc.
Architect: BDP Quadrangle
Address: 1798 Weston Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 441 ft / 134.53 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Toronto 1800 Weston | 134.53m | 40s | Castlepoint Numa | BDP Quadrangle


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Apr 24, 2007
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Community engagement website:

From an email by Castlepoint Numa:

Dear Community Stakeholder,

Thank you for being so engaged in the Weston Park redevelopment project at 1865-1885 Weston Road! As you are aware, we made our first Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning submission to the City of Toronto on October 29, 2021. City Council recently adopted the staff preliminary report, so City Staff have scheduled a virtual public meeting to review the project on June 14, 2022. The login and registration details have not yet been circulated. Once those details are available, we will post them to our project website at They will also be available on the City of Toronto website here.

Two New Projects on Weston Road

We are thrilled to announce our two new projects on Weston Road, located at 1798-1812 Weston Road and 1830-1844 Weston Road!

We have hired two all-star design teams-- BDP Quadrangle for 1798-1812 Weston Road and Studio JCI for 1830-1844 Weston Road.

In order to guide the concept designs, we have prepared a list of preliminary project objectives. We would like your feedback on the objectives as well as to learn about your priorities for the transformation of this stretch of Weston Road. Click here to participate in our survey.

In response to the project objectives and informed by your feedback, our design teams will refine the concept design and reviewing precedents that will inspire the design of the two new buildings. Once we have preliminary massing concept designs and potential directions for materiality and building articulation, we will host a community update meeting to review your feedback and the anticipated design direction for both projects. We will circulate the community meeting information when it is available.

You’re welcome to email us with questions and comments about the projects. If you would like to be removed from this mailing list, please reply “unsubscribe” to this email.

For more information, check out our recently launched project websites at and!
With thanks,

Castlepoint team

Some key points from the June 20, 2022 community consultation meeting:

Concept Design

BDP Quadrangle presented their concept design for a tall building that connects to the ravine lands through an “urban porch” outdoor amenity area, an animated streetfront that includes flexible social enterprise and commercial spaces down the existing laneway, and unique architectural materials and details.


The architects envision an articulated tall building with a distinctive massing, which could be achieved by outdoor amenity areas dispersed through the building. They are also exploring a rooftop amenity area that would be accessible for all building residents.


This is the preliminary ground floor plan, which includes a large non-residential component at grade fronting both Weston Road and the laneway, a residential lobby, garbage and recycling room and vehicular access to the parking ramp and parking. The non-residential area fronts onto a public laneway which creates opportunities to break up this space into smaller spaces to support social enterprise and start-up businesses.

Inspirational precedents for laneway animation during the warmer spring, summer, and fall months.

We look forward to providing further updates once the concept design is finalized.
We have a front page story up about this site, here.

The first rendering appears to be more "honest" about the mullion ratio among the building's cladding, but I think this has potential. Interesting usage of arches at the base. The vertical profile of the tower also gives me Chicago-vibes for some reason.
