Northern Light
New app in the AIC for both Zoning and SPA for this site.
Current use is : Weston Road Pentecostal Church
No description as yet.
Aerial Pic:
* as one can see, this large property actually encompasses a good chunk of the Emery Creek Ravine lands. Those properties within or below 10M of stable top of bank will not be developable and will likely
be surrendered to the TRCA as part of any proposal here.
Notwithstanding that, the gross site area is ~1.3ha/3.2 acres
The real developable area, in my estimation, is slightly under 1/2 of the site, which is still a very large .56ha/1.5 acres.
Lowrise apartments can be found to the south, and SFH across the street.
Current use is : Weston Road Pentecostal Church
No description as yet.

Application Details

Aerial Pic:
* as one can see, this large property actually encompasses a good chunk of the Emery Creek Ravine lands. Those properties within or below 10M of stable top of bank will not be developable and will likely
be surrendered to the TRCA as part of any proposal here.
Notwithstanding that, the gross site area is ~1.3ha/3.2 acres
The real developable area, in my estimation, is slightly under 1/2 of the site, which is still a very large .56ha/1.5 acres.
Lowrise apartments can be found to the south, and SFH across the street.