Developer: Limen Developments
Architect: TACT Architecture
Address: 189 Old Weston Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 302 ft / 92.00 mStoreys: 27 storeys
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Toronto 189 Old Weston | 92m | 27s | Limen Developments | TACT Architecture

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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I have included the podium as additional height based on the description below. (20+4, and 8+4)



Aerial of site:

I was wondering when something would happen here. It's the former Andrew Merrilees property, where they made railway equipment. I think they closed/vacated around 2012-2013. Was a very nicely overgrown forest for a while after that, and now used as crane storage by Limen.

Very much happening around here now and in the near future...
I wish they'd bury or grade separate the Canadian Pacific Railway crossing at Old Weston Road. It's so inconvenient to get stuck behind a train here. People on bicycles also occasionally get their wheels stuck in the tracks, which cross the road at an angle and have bolt heads sticking out of the wooden pavement between the tracks.
I wish they'd bury or grade separate the Canadian Pacific Railway crossing at Old Weston Road. It's so inconvenient to get stuck behind a train here. People on bicycles also occasionally get their wheels stuck in the tracks, which cross the road at an angle and have bolt heads sticking out of the wooden pavement between the tracks.

Our resident railway experts may correct me...........but

Moving the tracks is a virtually certain 'no'.
That was looked at when the passenger tracks were lowered here and determined to be impractical.

Burying Old Weston Road doesn't work either, because it would have to go underneath the lowered passenger tracks.

That only leaves a bridge.

But if you go that route, then Old Weston Road will no longer meet Junction Road.


There was a bridge before........... over the mainline tracks to the south (which Old Weston Road no longer Crosses.) .......
I suppose we could, as a City, put that back, but extend it across the Mactier Sub as well.


Taken from:
A large road bridge over Junction Road and the other local side streets like Cariboo Ave doesn't seem appealing from a local perspective. It would leave the side streets in the shadow of the bridge. The underside would probably become filthy and tagged.

A small railway bridge wide enough for the existing tracks and a walkway for railway workers would seem a better option. The main thing that's impractical about a tunnel would be the cost. But with all the development happening in the area, perhaps CP will want to tunnel and sell the West Toronto Diamond lands off for redevelopment one day.
Now this is the kind of stuff I could live by around the Stockyard area. A development that is appropriately scaled, with massing broken down and shifted around.

Sequoia should take a page from this and learn; we dont need hulking 30-40+ stories of hulking garbage which just seek to jam as much density as possible into an area which cant accommodate it and brings absolutely nothing positive to the table.

Hopefully the future renderings and materials on this proposal will be good.
CP is not burying MacTier. Period.

I think they're capable of achieving a lot more value from their urban land holdings than they have to date. It may not be the right moment for it yet, but at one point we'll start to see some interesting ideas emerge like burying some of their infrastructure to better utilize the land.
…and on their east side they abut industrial buildings, so why not lift the suites up above the blank walls with a garage in this case? It's cheaper and faster to build up, and with it being a post-industrial site, it probably makes more sense to cap here instead of dig anyway.

Preliminary Report for this one has gone to Planning and Housing Ctte's Jan 12 mtg instead of the Community Council.

Given that this is an Employment land conversion, the report does not read, to me, as entirely unreceptive; though there are some of the usual concerns.

It will forward through the process.
