Developer: Wycliffe Homes, Vogue Development Group
Architect: Vincent J. Santamaura Architect Inc
Address: 596 Renforth Drive, Toronto
Category: Residential (Townhouse, Condo)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 43 ft / 13.24 mStoreys: 3 storeys
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Toronto 596 Renforth | 13.24m | 3s | Wycliffe Homes | Vincent J. Santamaura Architect


Senior Member
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Feb 1, 2021
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Taken from DevApp:

"Proposed redevelopment of the site with 3-storey, 140 stacked, back-to-back townhouse units, grouped in five blocks in addition to a private amenity space. The proposed development would have a total of 12,409 square metres of residential gross floor area. A total of 140 residential units are proposed, resulting in a density of 1.6 FSI."

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This has been a Masonic Lodge location since the 60s, the western half never built upon, basically just a messy woodlot (not a real forest). I'm surprised the Masons have held onto it this long. Anyone buying here will have the massive outdoor recreational facilities of Centennial Park on their doorstep.

You know, this one looks really nice. That's a really good example of how to scale gentle density in to a site while still offering human-scaled architecture that adds value.


Oh right, I came here to note that a Decision Report - Approval Recommended, for this one, is headed to the next meeting of EYCC.

Of note, from the above:

