Architect: Arcadis
Address: 42 Tuxedo Court, Toronto
Category: Residential, Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 317 ft / 96.75 mStoreys: 28 storeys
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Toronto 42 Tuxedo Court | 96.75m | 28s | Reserve Properties | Arcadis

Northern Light

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May 20, 2007
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Another day, another instance of the Planning department doing its utmost to keep Toronto unaffordable and exclusive.

I wanted to think on this one before commenting. I shared that concern, but I only looked at this fleetingly before posting and wanted to consider it.

While I want to give Planning some benefit of the doubt......I'm inclined to agree.
I'm looking for a tangible reason to quibble and I don't see it.

I think there's certainly room to negotiate benefits for existing tenants, public realm and other improvements, etc, and if that were the concern here, I'd be all ears.

But that's not what I'm seeing. I would love to understand why this is 'over development'.

The proposal would certainly benefit from refinement in a number of ways; but absent an argument that local services such as water/sewer etc. can't handle the load.......
I think this represents a tremendous opportunity to provide tangible improvement to this community. I would hate to see that opportunity wasted without a compelling reason.
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Another day, another instance of the Planning department doing its utmost to keep Toronto unaffordable and exclusive.
Indeed. It’s telling that they don’t justify why the site can only support “modest intensification”, and why the proposal would prevent the stated upgrades etc from going through.

My disappointment with Toronto Planning deepens. The entire organization needs a shakeup, from the leadership downwards.
Request for Direction Report to authorize staff to opposed this at OLT, to the next meeting of SCC:

Stated Reasons, with my comments after:


Fair; should be an easy fix.



Questionable, doubtless the proposal is inconsistent w/the plan, but on its face, so what?, The plan as all plans are guides not iron-clad rules.
Precedent outside of the court system informs, but is not binding.

I'm open to a legitimate argument about the height, but simple non-conformation w/the plan is not sufficient to my mind.


Maybe, I m still waiting to hear why, in this case those items are at issue.


This is a better argument than some of the others. I have difficulty seeing this as a deal-breaker for either side


In respect of units, I don't know if I've seen this precise argument made before; there are obviously lots of inter-related arguments..........

In respect of the valley lands, shadowing can be an issue for a forest, it would really depend on what species are currently present, Sugar Maple, and Basswood do fine in part-sun/shade; but if the
forest is oak-dominant, cutting its light drastically would have an adverse effect {though probably wouldn't kill the trees, just stunt their growth). Mitigation may be an option.


Good argument. Lots of other proponents of similar infill sites have met this obligation w/o issue; should be resolvable.


Elsewise, there are some technical issues w/various reports, some TRCA concerns not yet addressed, and the City wants a daycare here.
