Developer: DMJ Eglinton Development Corporation
Architect: IBI Group
Address: 1812 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 384 ft / 117.00 mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto 1812 Eglinton West | 117m | 35s | MJ Eglinton Development Corporation | IBI Group


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Oct 21, 2019
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Ward 8: Eglinton-Lawrence

Development Applications

Project description:
Zoning By Law Amendment Application to permit the proposal for a 30-storey mixed-use building including commercial units fronting onto Eglinton Avenue West and proposed townhouses fronting onto Livingstone Avenue. The total proposed gross floor area is 28,455 square metres, with a total of 381 dwelling units and 490 square metres of ground floor commercial space.

I'm just amazed that such an important intersection has avoided development until now. Nice.

Yeah, Duff & Eg has been a reasonably busy intersection but remained mostly underdeveloped until now. There's now about 3 or 4 projects in the pipeline within several blocks radius. The Crosstown certainly opens up and unlocks the potential of many of these properties. Makes you wonder what's the future for the Shoppers and Dollarama on the NW corner.
Ok, then the project has a potential to significantly revitalize the area and possibly increase the value of the houses around. I have been checking and the house prices are below other areas in Toronto with good transit.
