Developer: Chestnut Hill Developments
Address: 7080 Yonge St, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Unspecified), Commercial (Retail), Institutional (Community Centre)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 488 ft / 148.60 mStoreys: 44 storeys
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Vaughan Liv on Yonge | 148.6m | 44s | Chestnut Hill | Kirkor

Wow ! it's amazing how many skyscrapers are going up in the north west corner of Yonge and Steeles. This development is nice enough to belongs on the waterfront !
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Wow, Kirkor, if you can pull this off and have it appear as in the render, you will have my respect.....for this project at least.
Wow ! it's amazing how many skyscrapers are going up in the north west corner of Yonge and Steeles. This development is nice enough to belongs on the waterfront !
Wow, Kirkor, if you can pull this off and have it appear as in the render, you will have my respect.....for this project at least.
They won't.
They won't.
Agreed. That barcode podium bit has me highly skeptical of this, let alone everything else... will either get all watered down to nothing. Or if they do pull it off, the materials they'll use will make us wish they water it down to nothing. /sigh
Commentary from a local community rep and the Vaughan city Councillor for the area:

Several citizens and the local city councillor voiced their concerns with a development application deemed overly ambitious and not aligned with the city’s official plan at a City of Vaughan Committee of the Whole meeting on Jan. 19.

Chestnut Hill Developments has submitted an official plan and zoning by-law amendment to facilitate the construction of two residential towers of 40 and 20 storeys at 7080 Yonge St., the current site of a car dealership parking lot just north of Steeles Ave. The towers would be connected via a two-storey podium and would include 652 residential units as well as 450 parking spaces spread over four underground levels.

Michael Vani, the planner with Weston Consulting, noted that the city’s Yonge Steeles Corridor Secondary Plan, which was adopted by council in 2010 and is supported by York Region is currently being appealed at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT), and thus the Thornhill Vaughan Community Plan is the current plan in place. That plan has the site zoned for commercial use, necessitating the official plan amendment.

Jordan Max, president of the Springfarm Ratepayers Association, said the application felt like deja vu, noting it shares several issues that the group had with neighbouring development proposals at 100 and 180 Steeles Ave., which together would see the construction of 10 towers ranging from 16 to 54 storeys.

Max said the application mirrored those other developments with regards to excessive height and density, and that the Yonge Steeles Corridor Secondary Plan approved by council allows heights of a maximum of 30 storeys.

“Apparently, 30 storeys isn’t enough,” said Max. “Either the secondary plan applies in its entirety or it does not apply at all. The developer cannot pick and choose which parts of the plan to use and which to ignore.”

Max urged council to avoid approving the development.

“We urge council to tell Chestnut Hill to come back with a proposal that actually respects and works within the current secondary plan.”

Councillor Alan Shefman said his concerns were virtually the same as the ratepayers associations.

“The density is extraordinary and way too much for that particular piece of property,” said Shefman. “This application is not respectful of the secondary plan.”

Shefman acknowledged that he thinks the secondary plan may need to be updated to reflect the heights and densities currently being considered in the neighbourhood. He added an upcoming meeting of the Vaughan Yonge Centre Working group will focus on building a human scale neighbourhood as opposed to a series of towers that have no connection to each other or the community.
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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there was what looked like an Audi dealership "coming soon" sign on site. Couldn't tell what it was exactly, but I'll try to look closer next time.
Isn't this site only the parking lot beside the dealership?
Updated from Weston Consulting's LinkedIn:

Weston Consulting recently worked with Chestnut Hill Developments along with Kirkor Architects and Planners and STUDIO tla to present at Vaughan’s Design Review Panel on March 28th, 2024 for an exciting mixed-use project at 7080 Yonge Street.

The revised site design boasts a strong commitment to transit-oriented communities by integrating high-quality amenities, interesting design elements, sustainability features, new community space, and public realm elements that will continue to contribute to the growing Yonge-Steeles corridor.

Weston Consulting worked alongside the project team to address site issues and ensure appropriate building separation and massing for the narrow site given its substantial conveyance for the future Royal Palm Drive extension. The design was well received by the Panel and we are excited to see this project advance through the site plan approvals process.

The database has been updated to reflect the PAC/DRP proposal with the following changes:
  • Storey counts changed from 40 & 19-storeys to 44 & 12-storeys
  • Heights changed from 128.4 & 69.1m to 148.6 & 53.8m
  • Total units decreased from 652 to 638
  • Total vehicular parking decreased from 450 to 293 (5 u/g levels)
  • 464.50 m² of community space GFA added
Additional perspectives:
SUB1_OCT-23-2023_Site Plan Package.pdf (1)-0.jpg
SUB1_OCT-23-2023_Site Plan Package.pdf (1)-1.jpg
SUB1_OCT-23-2023_Site Plan Package.pdf (1)-02.jpg
