Developer: Corebridge
Architect: CXT Architects Inc.
Address: 12049 Ontario 48, Whitchurch-Stouffville
Category: Residential (Seniors Home, Hotel, Townhouse, Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental, Subdivision, Unspecified), Commercial (Office, Retail, Industrial), Institutional (Education, Community Centre, Place of Worship), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 16 storeys
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Whitchurch-Stouffville Stouffville Commons | ?m | 16s | Corebridge | CXT


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Apr 24, 2007
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This is positively massive for Stouffville:

The Smart Centres land conversion is for the property located at the southeast quadrant corner of Hoover Park Drive and Highway 48 in Stouffville. The proposal intends a mixed-use development consisting of office, retirement and residential space. The land in question is to the east of the current centre. The specific proposal is seeking eight-to-12-storey office buildings, mixed-use buildings and residential buildings along the Hoover Park Drive frontage. South of the mixed-use building is a proposed 10-storey retirement building and eight-storey mid-rise residential buildings. South of Sam’s Way are several eight-storey mid-rise apartment buildings.
The land conversion request at the northeast corner of Highway 48 and Hoover Park allows for 1,050 to 1,680 apartment units and 116 to 191 townhouse units, as well as commercial uses such as a marketplace, office space, hotel and conference centre and school.
I hope YRT starts looking at putting a more usable bus route along 48/Main Street/Markham Road. Currently, we get very infrequent service and it ends at Major Mac.
I do believe the proposal is actually a development of the greenfield north of Hoover Park Drive, NOT a re-development of the south side Smart Centre retail buildings.

You may well be correct; though I based the choice of site pic on this statement leading off the article:

is for the property located at the southeast quadrant corner of Hoover Park Drive and Highway 48 in Stouffville.


In reading the full article, it identifies two further parcels and implies the centre may not be part of the development:

The land in question is to the east of the current centre.

South of Sam’s Way are several eight-storey mid-rise apartment buildings.

Not exactly precise; and arguably contradictory.

Perhaps a map would have been useful in the article!
@Fritter I zoomed the map image from the video that I extracted above; that image, at least, IS about development to the North of Hoover Park.
not sure about how exactly great the office market is in Stouffville.. I'll be interested to see what comes of this.

I believe the SmartCentre lands have their own proposal on them for intensification.
