Toronto 2978-2988 Dundas Street West | 27.15m | 8s | SharpWise | RAW Design

There's a development proposal sign up at the site with a rendering. I'll try and snap a photo later.

I'm pretty upset about this development. It will displace 2 great retailers, the only take-out sushi restaurant, and sanction, which has been an important part of the junction for a long time. It's seven stories in a strip with a 2 story streetscape.
7 stories is exactly what the Avenues plan calls for, I don't know why you are upset about that.

Retailers can always move.
7 stories is exactly what the Avenues plan calls for, I don't know why you are upset about that.

Retailers can always move.

That's a rather ignorant attitude. Among other things, I would also rather not lose the 10 affordable rental units in this building for more expensive condos.
R.E. Millward & Associates is not the developer, just the planning consultant. I wonder if this is another Davies Smith Developments rental like their CAMH project?

As for the skate shop & sushi joint: They've been there since 2011 or so. Used to be a candy shop and Bronto Burger.
26 May 2014: It reminds of that Queen and Ossington development only obviously taller. I agree with the nimbies that it should be redesigned. Perhaps angle the corner retail unit towards the corner like the existing building? And explore alternative materials: perhaps fibreC's Öko Skin in either Anthracite Ferro or Terracotta Ferro or Polar White Matt? Or even white brick--enough with the black and grey already! FibreC on the first 3 storeys, then precast unpainted concrete would look pretty chic imo. Also raise the retail height if possible to avoid that Volta Lofts disaster.

I believe the height will end up to be 6 storeys here, reduced parking to under 18 spaces--most renters will take transit &/or cycle with perhaps 38 units? (Oben Flats Leslieville location is a good precedent for ask vs final height numbers re: modern midrise rental products in established 'hoods.) I have no problem with 7 stories here--just reflecting the reality that is planning in this town.

Here's the renderporn you're all wondering about:

I should add: this design is much much better than that Starbucks disaster down the street that the nimbies love so much--shows what bad taste they've got! Waterloo would be a better-looking city if all their new rental projects were copies of this design.
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26 May 2014: It reminds of that Queen and Ossington development only obviously taller. I agree with the nimbies that it should be redesigned. Perhaps angle the corner retail unit towards the corner like the existing building? And explore alternative materials: perhaps fibreC's Öko Skin in either Anthracite Ferro or Terracotta Ferro or Polar White Matt? Or even white brick--enough with the black and grey already! FibreC on the first 3 storeys, then precast unpainted concrete would look pretty chic imo. Also raise the retail height if possible to avoid that Volta Lofts disaster.

I believe the height will end up to be 6 storeys here, reduced parking to under 18 spaces--most renters will take transit &/or cycle with perhaps 38 units? (Oben Flats Leslieville location is a good precedent for ask vs final height numbers re: modern midrise rental products in established 'hoods.) I have no problem with 7 stories here--just reflecting the reality that is planning in this town.

Here's the renderporn you're all wondering about:

I should add: this design is much much better than that Starbucks disaster down the street that the nimbies love so much--shows what bad taste they've got! Waterloo would be a better-looking city if all their new rental projects were copies of this design.

Agreed re: it should be 7 storeys but will likely end up at 6. That said, DuKe did get 7 storeys +/- 4 blocks to the west.

Ward 13 - Etob. York District

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Proposed amendments to City Zoning Bylaws to permit the development of an 8-storey mixed use building containing 84 residential rental units and 892 m2 at grade retail. Four existing commercial-residential buildings would be demolished. See Folder 16 137349 WET 13 RH for related Rental Housing Demolition & Conversion application.
Proposed Use --- # of Storeys --- # of Units ---
Type Number Date Submitted Status
Rezoning 16 137330 WET 13 OZ Apr 7, 2016 Under Review
Now a larger site, comprising six doors on Dundas and two on Pacific. The extra storey ask would be related to having a larger site over which to accomplish step backs. Looking forward to learning more about the proposal… and still wanting to get an HCD established on this rare strip of relatively intact early commercial buildings.



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Another metre or two height for the ground floor please! The "cornice" lines of the building to the west are not begging to be respected!

