Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 12-20 Cordova Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 0
Height: 280 ft / 85.19 mStoreys: 26 storeys
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Toronto Cavo Condominiums | 85.19m | 26s | Minto Group | Wallman

Updated description:
Proposal for a terraced 27-storey apartment building stepping down to the Islington Village area to the north. A total of 327 residential units are anticipated, with a proposed density of 10.62 FSI.
As an alumnus of Islington JMS next door, this is a positive change. Growing up we always found those houses looked a little out of places, and haunted (ha).
What happened at the LPAT for this?
Apparently it was a settlement hearing on the 11th, so we will likely see a conditional approval come from the LPAT. It's hard to know when exactly, it could be weeks still.

