Developer: 1233Y Development Limited Partnership
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 1233 Yonge St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Affordable Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 566 ft / 172.40 mStoreys: 53 storeys
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Toronto 1233 Yonge Street | 172.4m | 53s | 1233Y Development LP | Arcadis

This is now Plaza + Firm Capital
Plaza tells us that "An application for Official Plan and Zoning by-law amendments to redevelop the site will be submitted in fall 2021."
Mentioned in this article:


I am curious why an OPA is required. Maybe the Yonge-St. Clair Secondary Plan.

This looks like a midrise site to me of about 6-7 storeys. Yonge Street and Woodlawn Ave. are both 20m.

There will obviously be a major rental replacement component.

Land use map:


Parcel ownership:



The big site to the east (18 Woodlawn) is owned corporately by TTC

The site to the south on Yonge Street, at the northeast corner of Yonge & Summerhill Ave, is a condo building.
The TTC decked over, open-cut is interesting...........for the fact that they left the bridge railings up (from when it was open cut) on both Woodlawn and Summerhill.


I assume that's a vent shaft visible on right hand side of the open space.

I know previous sections were decked over and given to Green P to operate parking on.........

I wonder why they didn't formalize this as park space........??
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New application into the AIC to tear down this quaint Yonge Street Apartment complex in favour of a new 13 storey build.


Streetview Pic:


Also includes this house on Woodlawn :


Aerial Pic:


Site size: ~1900m2/21,000ft2

*some may be interested to note that this property abuts a grassy area visible in the pic above; said grassy area is deck over the Line 1 subway at this location.

Heritage Status: Listed, not designated.

* of note, in my reading of this on the Heritage Register, it appears Council designated this property, then repealed that designation a couple of years later........

*Docs are up*

Architect is BDP Quadrangle






From the Planning Rationale Report:


Landscape plan .............sigh...........

Concrete sidewalks, no trees on Yonge, some Ginkos (non-native) on the Woodlawn frontage.

Needless to say, no Heritage preservation is contemplated.........

From the Impact Assessment:

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Lousy looking proposal. Would it really kill them to, at the very least, pay homage to the design of the original apartment building? A taller version of what's there now?

These are going to be very pricy condos , so at least propose something of quality. The protruding elements on the awkwardly proportioned tower and glass wall at the ground level are so cheap looking.
Lousy looking proposal. Would it really kill them to, at the very least, pay homage to the design of the original apartment building? A taller version of what's there now?

These are going to be very pricy condos , so at least propose something of quality. The protruding elements on the awkwardly proportioned tower and glass wall at the ground level are so cheap looking.

I'm inclined to agree.

We all pine for colour here at UT to break up the monotony, not sure this very pale yellow is what anyone had in mind..........

It doesn't feel like something that embraces its context, or the history of the site; nor does it act boldly in breaking from it.

It just plunks down a not-so-great box........

BDPQ can be quite good at times, at least with the right client.............this does not feel like one of their better efforts.
