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2022/24 Russian-Ukrainian War

Honestly, I feel like he is trying to recreate the USSR.

I wouldn't be surprised if places like Kazakhstan or Georgia were invaded next.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Putin wasn't a sleeper agent for the KGB.
The headlines today say Russia invades Ukraine. But other than Russian forces moving into the Donetsk and Luhansk regions there has been no invasion. Yet.

Those regions are part of the country known as Ukraine, for one. I don't recall the Ukrainian government inviting them into both regions. Let's not wordsmith around - and call a spade a spade.

Those regions are part of the country known as Ukraine, for one. I don't recall the Ukrainian government inviting them into both regions. Let's not wordsmith around - and call a spade a spade.
Sure, I get it. When France sent forces into the 13 Colonies in 1780 to fight against the British (Expédition Particulière) we can officially call it a French invasion of British territory, even though the locals don't seem to mind. Russia sending ground forces into Donetsk and Luhansk is the same as them sending forces into Crimea, all three are claimed but not held by Ukraine, but instead populated and ruled by Russians. Heck, Ukraine hardly fired a shot as it fled from Crimea.

When the media calls out that Russia has invaded Ukraine the understanding is they've invaded this yellow part, you know, Ukraine that is actually ruled by Ukraine.


It's not right, but the world has pretty much abandoned Ukraine's hope of reclaiming Crimea, and likely now also Donetsk and Luhansk. I would not be at all surprised if we see Biden and the Euros meeting Putin in a 2022 version of Munich in 1938 where the west agreed to Germany's claims on the German populated areas of Czechoslovakia, with Biden claiming Peace in Our Time as he signs away western protest against Russia's seizure of these three areas. Hopefully it turns out better this time around, but what choice does the west have, are we going to war with Russia over Ukraine? And the silly Euros in their abandoning nuclear energy are dependent on Russia's natural gas - likely forcing them to the negotiation table before next winter.
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So, how should the West respond to this outrage?
Clearly we must provide heavy arms to the Ukrainian forces and mobilize NATO, if this isn't a DEFCON3 situation IDK what is. If Ukraine's Russian minority population is the justification here, those same minorities are in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. Apparently Biden's speaking at 12:30pm. Let's see what he says.

The Euros are likely being held back by Germany's lackluster reaction. Though I imagine the Poles would like to go in unilaterally now.

German defense officials are publicly shaming the country's lackluster response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

If I was China I'd invade Taiwan tomorrow, the west clearly hasn't the stomach to counter dictators grabbing their perceived lost lands. China is watching this for certain.
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Clearly we must provide heavy arms to the Ukrainian forces and mobilize NATO, if this isn't a DEFCON3 situation IDK what is. If Ukraine's Russian minority population is the justification here, those some minorities are in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland. Apparently Biden's speaking at 12:30pm. Let's see what he says.

The Euros are likely being held back by Germany's lackluster reaction. Though I imagine the Poles would like to go in unilaterally now.

German defense officials are publicly shaming the country's lackluster response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine

If I was China I'd invade Taiwan tomorrow, the west clearly hasn't the stomach to counter dictators grabbing their perceived lost lands. China is watching this for certain.

I can somewhat understand Germany's reluctance to take a hard stand on this conflict. Cultural guilt over WWII runs very deep there, and the last thing they want to be internationally perceived as is aggressive.

But this is not the time to let that hold them back.
The news is so unreliable. Has Russia moved ground forces into Ukraine (beyond the rebel republics) or not?

Looks like Russia Today is down
They have, and it's not that hard to find, Russian troops are on the ground fighting in the North I Kharkiv, directly north of Kyiv in Chernobyl, they have seized control of multiple airports around the Kyiv regions including one of the main military airports, troops have also crossed in the south in Crimea and are currently locked in a battle in Kherson. There's also potentially Russian military breakthroughs elsewhere was well, plus significant bombing campaigns on all major Ukrainian cities so far.
Honestly, I feel like he is trying to recreate the USSR.

I wouldn't be surprised if places like Kazakhstan or Georgia were invaded next.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Putin wasn't a sleeper agent for the KGB.
This won't happen, Kazakhstan is already essentially a satellite state, and the Russian military was sent there on a few weeks ago to put down an uprising to overthrow the Kazakhstan government. Likewise, Georgia was already invaded and had regions annexed in 2008, exact same playbook as Ukraine today, so no real reason to go after Georgia again.

Moldova is definitely at risk as well as the Balkans due to their non NATO status. There's also a lot of concern about the Baltic states, but those are NATO members meaning it would be an even bigger crisis, likely WW3
