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2014 Municipal Election: Toronto Mayoral Race

The Liberal Party is a big-tent party. One that could attract a social-justice type like Gerard Kennedy but also a corporatist conservative like Paul Martin or John Manley.

Or, for that matter (and at least pre-Justin), heavy-duty socons like Karygiannis or Tom Wappel.
At the end if Doug wins, it was because after 4 years. This was the best we could offer. It looks like Toronto is not the major player we claim to be. Next time though, we will actually feel the hurt.

Let's say Thug does win, and Rob returns to Ward 2 as councilor and gets appointed deputy merryl. And the both of them somehow skates away from the COI. Then the last defense* is the city council. Since afaik and I could be mistaken on this one, I doubt Doug is able to ram through his wish list of budgetary veto power and strong mayoral system.

I still say don't underestimate Fofam and don't take your eyes off them, but they're facing a pretty steep climb from what I'm seeing.

*edited ps. IIRC the province theoretically could step in, but IMO after that last round of buck passing by everyone including Wynne, Horwath, and Hudak, I'm not optimistic with that.
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I think Doug could make it interesting, but won't win. Rob could be terminal and win Ward 2, but a by-election is guaranteed.
Let's say Thug does win, and Rob returns to Ward 2 as councilor and gets appointed deputy merryl. And the both of them somehow skates away from the COI. Then the last defense* is the city council. Since afaik and I could be mistaken on this one, I doubt Doug is able to ram through his wish list of budgetary veto power and strong mayoral system.

I still say don't underestimate Fofam and don't take your eyes off them, but they're facing a pretty steep climb from what I'm seeing.

*edited ps. IIRC the province theoretically could step in, but IMO after that last round of buck passing by everyone including Wynne, Horwath, and Hudak, I'm not optimistic with that.

I would hope that at that point the city's elite would start pulling least those I'm familiar with. Unlike last time where they were almost entirely silent, even behind the scenes as far as I could tell.

Edit: Come to think of it....they were all rather quiet about it and were going on as if nothing was going on. This is probably why a lot of people don't trust the 1%.
Let's say Thug does win, and Rob returns to Ward 2 as councilor and gets appointed deputy merryl. And the both of them somehow skates away from the COI. Then the last defense* is the city council. Since afaik and I could be mistaken on this one, I doubt Doug is able to ram through his wish list of budgetary veto power and strong mayoral system.

I still say don't underestimate Fofam and don't take your eyes off them, but they're facing a pretty steep climb from what I'm seeing.

*edited ps. IIRC the province theoretically could step in, but IMO after that last round of buck passing by everyone including Wynne, Horwath, and Hudak, I'm not optimistic with that.
Right, but it all depends on the councillors. If they get around 10 that support them, or even 5. It could be long 4 years.
Doug to run in a Ward 2 by-election. Then all the heavy artillery will be deployed in Ward 2.
No chance. He's done with that job. If RF expires they'll redeploy Mike to run in Ward 2.

Is there no one in this family who doesn't just say screw you all, but it's my life and I'm going to do my own thing? I suppose the weak are tempted to stay due to money from Deca.
No chance. He's done with that job. If RF expires they'll redeploy Mike to run in Ward 2.

Is there no one in this family who doesn't just say screw you all, but it's my life and I'm going to do my own thing? I suppose the weak are tempted to stay due to money from Deca.

And or staying on Diane's will.

Great. I'm seeing these attack ads for the first time.

Shame on the Chow campaign. Nobody undecided is going to vote for a candidate that doesn't take a strong stance on the Fords. If she in her scorched earth policies somehow manages to allow Doug to win, I will flip.
Great. I'm seeing these attack ads for the first time.

Shame on the Chow campaign. Nobody undecided is going to vote for a candidate that doesn't take a strong stance on the Fords. If she in her scorched earth policies somehow manages to allow Doug to win, I will flip.

Once I liked her. I don't like her anymore.
Right, but it all depends on the councillors. If they get around 10 that support them, or even 5. It could be long 4 years.

Yep, and that's a good point. Even though I think Doug and Rob bluster about council facing a regime change is only that, it is still a possibility. I don't know if council being bullied in early 2010 Rob is repeatable now though.

So it's still possible that council will support Doug&Rob should they win, I think it's not a high probability that will happen however. Then again it's been a strange last 4 years. I'm not optimistic relying on the province to step in, since I haven't seen much evidence lately aside from the 2018 option of municipal ranked ballot voting. But provincial oversight is theoretically there I guess. That and perhaps the city manager, of which the current one is stepping down this year iirc.

MTown said:
Come to think of it....they were all rather quiet about it and were going on as if nothing was going on.

It definitely seemed very strange, and gives off a rotten smell to me.
Great. I'm seeing these attack ads for the first time.

Shame on the Chow campaign. Nobody undecided is going to vote for a candidate that doesn't take a strong stance on the Fords. If she in her scorched earth policies somehow manages to allow Doug to win, I will flip.

Unfortunately this is a typical NDP election tactic. They would rather tear down a Liberal/centrist/moderate and elect a Conservative in the process than compromise their ideals and help the Liberal to win. Better to have ideological purity than compromise for the better of all!
Has anyone on this thread actually participated in a poll? Do you have a land line? I got a call from a polling company I'd never heard of - "Canadian Research Institute" or something like that, and actually went through the poll on principle. It took six and a half minutes to go through the whole thing! It's no wonder that they are inaccurate! How many people have the inclination to sit through those things?
I've been polled 4-5 times for the municipal election. I have a landline because Rogers gives it to me for free and refuses to take it back :)
