Developer: Castlepoint Numa
Architect: SvN
Address: 309 Cherry St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Unspecified), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 532 ft / 162.20 mStoreys: 49 storeys
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Toronto 309 Cherry Street | 162.2m | 49s | Castlepoint Numa | SvN

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May 5, 2007
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South Parkdale
I was thinking that this was on lands that Cityzen had a proposal, but its not and according to google maps to be the corner of Villiers and Cherry St.:confused:
I thought they were not looking at hi-rises for this part of town.

OPA / Rezoning 12 131809 STE 30 OZ Ward 30
- Tor & E.York Mar 5, 2012 --- --- --- ---
Rezoning application to complement appeal to Official Plan Amendment 388 for the subject lands in order to permit its re-development for the pruposes of a 26 storey new mixed use building complete with approximately 400 dwelling units above retail and office type uses.. Included the propseal is the request to assign a hold to a portion of the lands in order to address the flood plain management within the Port Lands
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What the?? The first residential proposal in the Portlands already? Seems rather premature.
Maybe testing the waters for height, massing etc? They would have to wait while flood protection is created first I would think anyway, Im sure it is premature and this isn't planned for quite a few years, but why not get approvals now and go from there.
TKP is the same firm that designed Mississauga's City Hall so that garbage comes as no surprise. Puke.

Luckily, that awful design will most likely never happen.
TKP is the same firm that designed Mississauga's City Hall so that garbage comes as no surprise. Puke.

Luckily, that awful design will most likely never happen.

That sucker out is Mississauga is a joke.
Mississauga's City Hall is the greatest PoMo building in the country… though it's not beautiful.

What is interesting is that even in the Lower Don Lands plan that land is a development block with the heritage structures fronting Cherry protected which the rendering suggests has been accommodated. There is no way the development holding status is ready to be removed though since none of the infrastructure in the area has been updated yet, but once the Keating Channel Precinct water and sewer infrastructure is in the ground it is a property which could be an early launch site for port lands development since it doesn't conflict with any plans and is on the border of the Keating Channel Precinct.
What is interesting is that even in the Lower Don Lands plan that land is a development block with the heritage structures fronting Cherry protected which the rendering suggests has been accommodated. There is no way the development holding status is ready to be removed though since none of the infrastructure in the area has been updated yet, but once the Keating Channel Precinct water and sewer infrastructure is in the ground it is a property which could be an early launch site for port lands development since it doesn't conflict with any plans and is on the border of the Keating Channel Precinct.

The Keating Channel Precinct Plan has yet to be approve.

The existing Cherry St was to be relocated to the west. Villiers Street was to be come the main drag since it was to have an LRT line going east and replace Commissioner Rd that was to disappear.

I hope this development takes into consideration what was vision for the channel.

I maybe wrong, but there are no oil tanks in this area, as they have all been removed years ago. Opps!! here is the 2009 video I shot of Villiers St and no tanks.

Here is a video of Cherry St 2009 from King St to Cherry Beach

Here is Commissioner
Quantex (the company occupying this site) is a chemical waste processor, and this stretch of land is likely going to need some serious remediation before it becomes habitable. Mind you, excavating the foundation will remove all the soil, but I wonder who would accept soil like this?
Bioremediation advances mean that much can often be done onsite now, and the soil would not necessarily have to be moved. If it cannot be cleaned enough, another possibility would be what happened at Market Wharf: the site is capped with a veneer of clean fill, and the foundation built pretty much at the surface with only caissons for piles drilled into the ground as opposed to excavation for a garage.

