a little update: over the past year there was a lot of political back and forth, including a NIMBY group complaining about traffic and people being able to look into their yards (which is actually really funny if you think about it).
these people are complaining about a high rise that is walking distance to transit and food and geared towards old people, but the NIMBYS didn't say anything when an entire suburb started being built on top of a farm on the other side of the street. they are insane. which is why I love the next part:
Two days ago Newmarket town council unanimously voted that its OK to build it, at 19 and 20 stories. it is currently at the OMB, but Im sure we all know what that means.
In the feb. 11 council meeting, which you can watch on rogersTV if you like that sort of thing (?), a councillor said it will take 10 YEARS to build which I dont understand at all, but there you go. Newmarket's first high-rises. Woot!