Developer: Kingdom Developments
Architect: BDP Quadrangle
Address: 120-128 Peter St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail), Public Space / Park
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 436 ft / 132.79 mStoreys: 40 storeys
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Toronto 122 Peter | 132.79m | 40s | Kingdom | BDP Quadrangle


recession proof
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Apr 23, 2007
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Twitter is starting to out class websites these days for construction news, from urbanation's feed today:

Urbanation Urbanation
Del Terrelonge (the man behind the Templar Hotel & Langston Hall) purchases 122 Peter St: - condo or hotel site?

The blogto link has some good info on the site, as does

Now while it's quite the steal to buy this property for under $4 million, Del Terrelonge doesn't inspire confidence...look for a project completion c.2040?
It looks like it's 20 feet for each address, so the site is 40 feet wide.

That rendering above has been on Rhed's website for at least a year now. On the website it's dubbed as "The Baldwin, an exclusive 22 unit condominium slated for completion late 2012."
I really like the alternating cantelevered floors, with each floor being a full floor unit.
The building footprint looks similar to the Peter Street site.

What I have been told is that this is the second phase of Langston Hall, but won't start construction until after the first phase is constructed, so it will probably be quite some time. I am guessing late 2014 or early 2015.
@Urbanation just tweeted this:

WOW! Langston Hall II by Templar Developments at 122-124 Peter Street will be 39-storeys & feature just 35 units


35 units in a 39 storey building!?! whoah...
It's a very striking and ambitious design, I have to commend rhed design for doing something innovative.
From what I know the units are 2-levels each with it's own huge terrace that will have 20-foot head clearances. The property is very thin but deep, which allows for a unique tower design where it's almost two compact towers combined together -- odd number units on one side of the tower and even number units on the other with two private elevators opening to each half.

This will probably be a very upscale boutique condo (along the lines of 500 Wellington). Langston Hall 1 is currently priced from about $700/sq.ft. ($560,000 to almost $3 million), so I am guessing this second phase will be almost $800/sq.ft. The units will be huge in size, so the unit pricing will be very expensive (guessing $1 million to $3 million).
We have to wait and see...
This is definitely one of the most interesting proposals I've seen recently. I wonder if it will go through.
It also reminds me of a really skinny tower that is in NYC but I can't remember what it's called.
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