Developer: Zinc Developments
Architect: Cumulus Architects Inc.
Address: 121 Avenue Rd, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 117 ft / 35.73 mStoreys: 9 storeys
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Toronto The Webley | 35.73m | 9s | Zinc Developments | Cumulus


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Sep 3, 2008
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Yonge & Bloor
I'm not sure if there's a thread for this yet. This is the long vacant lot at the corner of Avenue Rd. & Webster.
Streetview link;,-79.396021&spn=0,359.99455&z=18&layer=c&cbll=43.673448,-79.396055&panoid=fZsDxkjEqNxONKOrr8Oi-A&cbp=12,63.32,,0,1.96

Application: Zoning Review Status: Not Started

Location: 121 AVENUE RD

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 09 193914 ZPR 00 ZR Accepted Date: Dec 4, 2009

Project: Multiple-Use Building New Building

Description: PUBLIC - PRELIMINARY PROJECT REVIEW, Due Date is 06-JAN-10, >>Proposal to construct six storey mixed use building/residential w/ 1 level below grade.
For some context, this is the site of a former historic church (built in the late 1800s) that was destroyed by a suspicious fire in 1995. The speculation at the time was that someone wanted to prevent a historically designated building from limiting development here.
Looks good. These parking lots at Av & Dav need to go!

I thought it was only a "parking lot" because of arson? (I know the Wiki page says that the church was replaced by the large extant retirement building, but the old building seems to have been located on the corner?)

[Ed: I see everyone knows this].
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It looks soooooooo well insulated.

Way too tall for the site. Some local residents who came out to complain at the recent Avenue Lofts (143 Avenue Rd) public consultation kept getting confused about how tall it would be, claiming they were trying for 14 storeys there—it wants 12, as this 14-storey proposal had just been announced to them.

This building in no way meshes with angular plane requirements on the site and backs on 2 and 3 storey homes. Where's the transition to the stable neighbourhood in behind?

What 42 said. Far too tall for the site, and doesn't even try to fit in. So, points for confidence, I guess.

Also, the rendering makes it look like a parkade, which does it no favours.
There is going to be an astronomical amount of Nimby pushback on this. The design is refreshing though with the minimal white lines.
