Developer: Streetcar Developments, Dream Unlimited
Architect: TACT Architecture, Giovanni A. Tassone Architects
Address: 345 Carlaw Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 12 storeys
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Toronto The Carlaw | ?m | 12s | Streetcar | TACT Architecture

They need 347 also to make this work.

Height is an issue.

That intersection doesn't look nice now.
They need 347 also to make this work.

Height is an issue.

That intersection doesn't look nice now.

That intersection is MILES better than it was a year ago. Not only is there a bar with patio, but the friggin' construction of WorkLofts and Flatiron are better looking than the gas station and decrepit building that were there beforehand. This will be a great addition to the new Carlaw -- this is becoming a vibrant hub.

As an aside, one of the cooler things these days is the fact my 72 bus stops at 250 Carlaw to drop off people going to work and pick up people headed elsewhere to work. A barren chunk of Toronto is now vibrant. Huzzah!
I live very close. They cleaned up the topsoil last year and re-paved the parking lot. I think the land was a bit poisoned, which is normal for East of Yonge. So I'm not surprised. They were denied a height increase by 3 stories, but then got approval for mixed office space recently.
This is great news..... I still remember when the area was littered with gas stations and railway tracks as well as a working colgate factory. I'm really curious as to what will be done with the triangular lot between dickens and dundas on the north west corner. This area is going to look amazing with all the odd lot sizes, finally the butt hole of Toronto (dundas east) is getting something worth while.
The point there at the very intersection I believe will be grassed-over. The parking lot behind it, however, might hold some value to another building. To the west, are two parking lots. One services the Carlaw building, which runs up to the tracks. The other is being used as the interim parking lot for the Bridgeport Health Centre while they go through construction.

If the construction continues, NW, NE, SE (Flat-Iron & Worklofts), SW (Lolabar) will make it feel like downtown. Rumour has it that the lot that has the finger between Flatiron and Worklofts, which is part of the parking lot behind all that, is going to be bought by the City to be turned into a park.
I hope someone has more imagination then two grass over the triangle lot at Dickens/Dundas/Carlaw.... If the "finger' your refering to is the railway right of way between the new condos, I would again hope that the developers and city are smart and allow a few restos/bars to set up patios in the quirky little path what a great little alley scene could be had there. Either way it's better than what was there 20 years ago.
347 was purchased as well.

The map outline show it was not part of the deal. It nice to know it is part of the developement now.
That's a really good idea actually. Either way it's better than what was there a year ago.

The triangle is the small bit. The mobile construction office sits up against the fence. So that bit isn't really big.
I'm really curious as to what will be done with the triangular lot between dickens and dundas on the north west corner

Part of that lot is owned by hydro, the other half is a railway right of way.
345 347 349 Carlaw Avenue

It was for all three buildings and the parking lot behind. $13.5 million was the total sale price and the agents were Ming Zee and Chris Walasek at Metropolitan Commercial Realty. Both are selling 24 Carlaw Ave and the land behind on Morse St as well.
A new sign just went up for They are selling lofts. Not sure what they are going to do with this space. Any takers on what is going to happen here?
Something similar to their Sync Lofts development would look nice. I can't see them going any higher than 11 storeys, which seems to be the limit for new developments in the area. This area is improving quickly, from photos that I've seen of the area, it's looking pretty nice with all these loft developments/conversion.

Browsing through their projects map, there's also plans for a loft building at 3 Hamilton Street (Broadview/Queen). Streetcar is putting together an impressive portfolio in the fringe east and west ends of downtown.
