^ Their use of the word "construction", and being concerned about whether it will be ready on time, makes me think some still may not understand that this thing won't be much more than some temporary scaffolding stands.
link (Facebook, James Pasternak)
Flights numbers for Emirates Airbus A380 at Pearson are EK241 for arrival, EK242 for departure
Looking at the FlightRadar24 site before you get there will usually tell you which runways are being...
Roger's purchase of MLSE is questionable, based on ego and not common sense
Rogers May Sell Part of MLSE to Close Out Controlling Stake
But who would be willing and able to buy into MLSE?
There's just not a lot of Toronto or Canadian possibilities who have been eagerly waiting for the chance to...
26 Feb 2025
I don't know if you mean that as a rhetorical question.
I'll just say I've lived in a very similar situation, and as a heavy sleeper got used to it almost immediately.
It's a new building, and I would assume as in almost all modern buildings having the windows closed shuts...
When advanced voting started on Thursday, I still had not received my card. It arrived Friday and I voted less than an hour after I found it had been delivered.
NFL and other pro sports teams are bought and sold by multi-billionaires. They're not "awarded" like an elementary school teacher giving out gold stars (or the Olympics if you want to use that example).
Some of the parts of the CRJ were starting to be removed yesterday, but on FlightRadar24 it looks like the two runways are still closed, though now maybe with snow clearing vehicles on them.
I don't remember if I was ever inside one of them as a kid, but there were a lot of them at some point in the 1970s, with a former one in Mississauga being the only building left in that recognizable form that I've seen in recent decades...
I guess it's expected to be finished soon? There's a free concert in the park scheduled for July.
There does seem to be, among some, a bizarrely illogical refusal to acknowledge there are people who are so mentally unsound that they need to be institutionalized (as I mentioned above, even after doing something as obviously dangerous to themselves as climbing onto subway tracks).
They're about the same capacity. I suppose scheduling and the type of venue could fit some acts more than others.
One is an outdoor festival type of venue that can have much of the crowd standing on an abandoned airport runway, will apparently have its own stage already there if wanted, and...
DSCToronto posted this in another thread.
I think they need to clarify if this is the type of thing they want us to report and that they will respond to .
To me, it doesn't necessarily fit their description of "harassment, safety concerns or suspicious activity"...
I am at a loss to explain how or why someone would have thought this would be possible in the first place --
and how someone else would have lent him the money for it.
^ I'd think Porter would leave YTZ now if they could, since they already threatened to do so.
And unlike YHM and YTZ, YYZ allows for connections to a lot of other airlines.
Their advertising and website for the last couple of...
Yes, as has been mentioned multiple times previously in this thread.
It seems no airline has recently expressed interest in the idea of using jets there, or even in taking up the presently available slots.
In the Hamilton Airport thread, it sounds like Porter is set to start using YHM. It would...