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  1. T

    Toronto is Junky!

    Wow, what a post! Seriously, instead of wasting your time on something like that, why not come up with a valid response for why you disagree with the statements. NO, I am not trolling either. READ the title of the thread, it pretty much explains the thread in just the one sentence. If you...
  2. T

    Toronto is Junky!

    Cant anybody in this damn country have a debate?!?! As soon as someone states the slightest negative remark, people jump on the defensive faster than flies to sh*t. Come one people, surely you can have a debate without resorting to childish, inane remarks! I am merely giving an observation...
  3. T

    Toronto is Junky!

    It was a convenience store though. 11:00pm, I was able to go and buy a 6 pack for 7 bucks. In Canada, NO Way!. You cant buy beer or anything past 9pm anywhere and never mind less than 10 bucks. It's just another thing that Canada needs to control. There are many, MANY other things also. And...
  4. T

    Toronto is Junky!

    I just got back from New York., I was there on business. Every single day in Toronto, I constantly hear comparisons to New York. Whether it is the Subway (Which doesn't compare AT ALL), whether it is dundas vs Times Square or whether it is City vs City., I always hear Torontonians comparing...
  5. T

    Rental Question

    Yeah, I spoke with someone today and was advised the only thing they are in violation of is the concrete dust. She said it should be contained within 8 or so feet of their workspace, which it does not. She also said if anyone was to compensate it would be the building doing the construction...
  6. T

    Rental Question

    That's not bad at all. It's kind of a different situation in my case though because it's not my building doing the construction so who knows if they will compensate at all. It's pretty much my building though. There close enough. Especially when the workers are directly across my unit, they are...
  7. T

    Rental Question

    I have a question. I'm sure I know the answer, which is I'll have to suck it up, but I'm going to ask anyways and who knows.. For the past 3 - 4 months, the building directly across from mine (Gloucester street) has been renovating the balconies. It has been a very aggravating project for me...
  8. T

    Not a 24 Hour City

    Wow, good moderators you got on this site to let this go. I dont recall slandering any people in toronto, just the city itself and perhaps those running it. I guess the reference made in the article I linked about people here being cold is more accurate then I thought. Furthermore, no one is...
  9. T

    Not a 24 Hour City

    well.. im sure this next reply could probably be its own thread, but since this is here, may as well use it. I have been doing some research and found an interesting article. On the subway, in starbucks, the street, pretty much everywhere.. I have heard alot of "TO is like NY", "TO is as great...
  10. T

    Ashley Madison Advertising

    I don't think its been talked about here yet, what does everyone think of this? Personally, being that the good ol' TTC is in a deficit, they wouldn't be turning away money like that. To me, that's poor business. One would think that society is strong enough to know that just because you...
  11. T

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    Exactly!! Is the word Sorry not something you say when you have done something wrong and want to make it right? Apologizing for a mistake? an error or something wrong that you have caused? The problem is Canadians tend to toss this word around as if no one knows the definition. It is...
  12. T

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    You are very right, however most out there have potential to make something of themselves. Its obviously quite easy to figure the "con artists" from the actual homeless. First of all, the ones who actually approach you will usually be the ones giving you a story. The ones who sit there quietly...
  13. T

    Not a 24 Hour City

    First, I'd like to say hello to everyone. This is one of my first posts. I've been trolling around here for quite a while so I thought I would join. Anyways, I'm still pretty new to the city and like it so far but it definitely does not compare to some of the metropolis cities out there. I've...
  14. T

    Bills Game in Toronto

    The aerial coverage was better then the actual game. Loved seeing the city like that. To bad the G-Men didnt come here instead of the jets.
  15. T

    Homelessness and Panhandling in Toronto

    Not only do I ignore them, but if they catch me on a bad day, they'll regret ever having bugged me. I do this because my job is extremely stressful as well, everyone's job is at times. I work hard for not so good of money in a VERY expensive city. Panhandlers sit in the street and the most they...
