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  1. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes. It's really a prime example of how Ford's addictions made him vulnerable to conflicts of interest. Clearly, the owner of Muzik knew Ford's proclivities and was aware that if he could provide a safe haven for Ford to indulge his appetites he could use that service as leverage to extract...
  2. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm just guessing here and I'd love to have those on this thread with more medical knowledge comment on this ... but I think Ford is probably battling some sort of complication, perhaps an opportunistic infection like pneumonia that's taken advantage of his weakened state and his compromised...
  3. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I only reported what Doug said. I didn't say I believed him.
  4. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    1.3473412 Doug said Rob was in hospital getting chemotherapy during a live Facebook interview with CBC Toronto this afternoon.
  5. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So Doug says Rob is back in hospital for another round of chemo - the latest of 8 rounds to shrink the tumours on his bladder. Not sure which round this is. So that's the story they're sticking with for now.
  6. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Actually, LeDrew did ask Doug about Rob's health and Doug said the former mayor is back in hospital and in "pretty bad shape," which could mean it's the beginning of the end, folks. I think there will be more from Doug re: Rob's condition later this afternoon. Stay tuned.
  7. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, here's a question. Assuming Rob Ford is not long for this world, who will attempt to rally the constituent parts of FordNation and try to represent them in 2018? I've heard rumblings that if Rob can't run in the next election, Doug will. But because most of the conservative establishment now...
  8. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Nobody is more relieved that Rob Ford appears to be out of the political picture than I am, but I certainly take no joy in the fact that he's most likely terminally ill. I lost my mother and my brother to cancer and both of them suffered terribly before they died. My heart also goes out to his...
  9. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What do you think it means, Jimmy? A total no-show at the budget debates - think of it, he must be pretty far gone not to get himself up and into City Hall for the BUDGET - not a single call to Warmington, or even a press release blasting Tory and his spendthrift allies on council. Not even a...
  10. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not sure, but wasn't this when Ari Goldkind demanded that Doug Ford apologize from Robs anti-Jewish slurs. Rob looked genuinely surprised he had ever uttered anything anti-Semitic.
  11. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    sex tape I don't think it's a chimera. Some liable sources have told us they've seen it. But no-one we know of seems to be in possession of it.
  12. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm not sure but I think the one who's laying on the hands is Faith Goldy of Sun News Network.
  13. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Satirical Account Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Doug-Fords-Ex-Lawyer a satirical account?
  14. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A Respectful Disagreement With great respect, that's a somewhat shallow and facile analysis. A lot of people voted for Tory because he's a PROGRESSIVE Conservative - or a Red Tory, if you will. And if Doug Ford becomes leader of the Ontario Conservatives, a lot of those people who occupy...
  15. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not Really Close At All Actually I beg to differ with all the revisionist history that has Doug Ford coming "jaw-droppingly close" to winning on election night. Doug did well considering the Fords had a maximum ceiling of about 33% of the vote available to them, judging from the polling...
  16. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Fake Yeah, it was a complete fake. No such tip was given to TMZ. By the time I actually saw the tweet it was clear it was untrue. I was just surprised the tweet itself didn't cause more of a stir at the time. I guess a lot of ppl are more adept at spotting fakes on twitter than i am.
  17. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Tmz I haven't had much of a chance to look upthread to see if this caused a stir Saturday night, so if it's already been commented on, please forgive me. But does anyone know the story behind this tweet? @TMZ Breaking: rob ford died just a few hours ago. ER sources. Press conference...
  18. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hollowed Out Book I can assure you there are no books in Rob Ford's office right now ... at least none thick enough to be hollowed out to hide drugs.
  19. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think they ever watched him down vodka and gatorade. That was a story one of his staffers told to police after the fact and included in the initial ITO.
  20. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Forum I still don't believe Doug Ford will poll above 29% tomorrow. I think he can count on only 25 to 29% support on the high side, because he lacks the ground game to get out his vote. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
