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  1. U

    Justin Trudeau?

    It is far too early pass judgment on the Conservative's strategy to define Trudeau as infantile and lacking the royal jelly to govern. The most repeated refrain heard on social and mainstream media is that the Conservatives have failed to put a dent Trudeau's armour. Backed by polls that...
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    Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

    Long time forum fan but rare commenter and non-GTA resident. Nevertheless, I am very familiar with the Absolute World project and agree with the general consensus that the buildings are easy on the eyes and are a welcome addition to the GTA. My only complaint about the building is the way it...
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    Now I know Iran is NOT a threat

    ...yes, thanks for the reminder and weaving in the concept of "entitlement" as a defense. I am equally entitled to comment on the breathtaking stupidity of a statement that you voluntarily posted and offered up for response online. Jews, Israel, free ride? Just about any other group I could...
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    Now I know Iran is NOT a threat

    ^That you didn't merely imply it, but actually wrote, that most of the world gives Israel a free ride is one of the most preposterous statements I've read in recent memory. Thanks for setting a new gold medal standard for hyperbole. Wow. WOW! That really is achievement. That you said it in the...
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    Now I know Iran is NOT a threat

    KeiThZ is right. Israel's military forces are highly trained and well equipped. Iran by comparison has very weak conventional forces which only look strong when compared to its immediate neighbours. It has had limited modernization since the Iran–Iraq War and depends heavily on weapons acquired...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    You're correct and I was never saying that their electoral expense reimbursements were at play, I was referring to the "per vote subsidy" under which any registered national party receiving 2 per cent of the national vote receives a $2 per vote subsidy (the subsidy is indexed to inflation so it...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    I think the Conservative hidden agenda BTW is a more relaxed Harper. Anyone who is expecting a SFT and a re-packaged budget that bears little resemblance to what was tabled in March will be disappointed. The only new addition I suspect will be a pledge to wipe out the per vote subsidy which they...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    So "Secret" that their last annual meeting was held in public at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier from April 29-May 1, with anyone interested invited to attend. Would you like to see the agenda? I have it, it's so terrifying it will make any reader wet their bed for months. I try to keep things...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Which owing to the fact that Ms. May is an MP from a party without official status in Parliament will be very infrequently and very far between.
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Mongo, I hope you're right in your optimism. The real test of talent will be in the chamber, their ability to handle pressure under fire , to present reasonable policy alternatives and sound amendments to legislation that are balanced and not so heavily skewed against the middle class and...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Mongo, In between the mid-80s British docudrama "Threads" about the effects of a nuclear attack on Sheffield, England and which as a 14 year old kept me sleepless for months, and more recently the film "28 Weeks Later", which as an adult still haunts me, Blossom was just as terrifying. Be...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    MisterF, Granted there were Conservatives who did not attend debates... there were also Liberals who didn't but little light was shone on those incidents. But I'm quite confident that all 307 Conservative candidates were out campaigning and knocking on doors. The same cannot be said of the NDP...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Eug, that's a damn good comparison, but there has to be a photo of Blossom with glasses for an even better contrast. I can't wait to meet these new Dippers, the daycare will be opening soon.
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    As for the posts commenting about the inexperience of the NDP's newly minted MPs, I agree, but... I also harbor deep concerns about the qualifications of their so-called experienced thought leaders. The bow is not even off the 41st Parliament and already the NDP Deputy Leader and heir apparent...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Mongo, Joanne Corbeil, the NDP candidate for Westmount-Ville Marie certainly went to bed on the evening of May 2 thinking she was elected MP, the incumbent Marc Garneau even conceded defeat. But when the final polls were counted she ended up in second place. She will not be adorning the halls of...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Walt, I think (or rather I hope) Urban Shocker was referring to the previous leader Stockwell Day, because Prime Minister Harper has never discussed his religoius beliefs... the man is very secular in his outlook. Paul Martin incidentally was very quiet about his religion, but he is a God...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    ^ Actually a person's personal religious beliefs and their views of creationism are simply that -- personal. So long as the MP or party leader does not force their views on anyone, or make policy decisions on the basis of their religious beliefs it's not offensive to me. I'll give an example...
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    Grey... when I saw your link I was guessing the Marci MacDonald book would pop up and voila! Agreed that some of the more outspoken and less polished old C.A. and Reform MPs were muzzled and locked in the cellar with a jar of pickles, but there were very few what I'd call kooks in the party...
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    2011 Federal Election Result Predictions

    ^Even the folks who do this for a living had a hard time predicting the results too.
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    CBC projects Conservative government

    That's kind of a overgeneralization on a couple of grounds: 1. The natural process of retirements and new blood mean there is an ever dwindling number of old Reform MPs in CPC benches 2. There is in your comment an implication that the Reform Party was a free range insane asylum Finally...
