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  1. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Any word how that fund raising is going? I'm eager to know if enough was raised to hire the lawyer.
  2. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    JIan and Rob not so different under the hubris hood. I guess hubris is hubris, whether your are an uneducated and right wing narcissist like Rob Ford, or a very educated and left wing narcissist like Ghomeshi. I am a big Q fan, but I can name three others off the top of my head that...
  3. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Robin Pilkey CPA with a heart (We Hope) I was worried about what her politics would be, but her Bio doesn't look too bad: "Robin lives in Swansea with her husband and three children. All three attend public secondary schools in Toronto. For the past four years Robin has chaired TDSB...
  4. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    ' Kelly Girl
  5. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    End Game or New Beginning? Which would mean there is still a reason to keep this forum going. I think if we are ending the forum and we want to identify ourselves, we can do as Jimmy T has done, and put a photo of us in our youth, (except those who are still youths) it will still give us...
  6. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    What's in Doub Ford's system. How about sexism, racism, homophobia, ageism, anti-intellectualism, anti-semitism, elitism. and many other isms we never imagined. Oh Yes: Perhaps he drinks too much too, it is obviously in the family.
  7. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes, but connected to our soon to be former mayor? That was the rumour.
  8. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Comment on what happened in Ottawa yesterday. OK how's this: It is interesting that all those modern weapons and young men in action movie costumes, and the House of Commons would-be-shooter is downed by an aging, but alert and well-trained House of Commons Sergeant-at-Arms using with a...
  9. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Has anyone else heard rumours of under-aged hookers in Hamilton? I heard that from someone who works at Woodbine Track in Toronto.
  10. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think Andray Domise is getting optimistic about turning around voters in Ward 2. Going door to door, he's able to convince people he's the better person for the job.
  11. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know Étienne Brûlé was killed and eaten by the local native people, because he was so despicable to them. I love reading about the history of Toronto, even about the Toronto-Not-So-Good.
  12. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Toronto Star backing Tory Why wouldn't the Star back Tory, the Liberal machine has been behind Tory from the beginning and the Star is a Liberal paper. Large "L" that is. Often small "l" too, but the large "L" usually trumps.
  13. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you, just ordered the book.
  14. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My sister worked in the legal field in L.A. county for 35 years, the term "Sober as a Judge" has her on the floor laughing.
  15. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dangers of Strategic Voting by Marcus Gee Globe and Mail Marcus Gee The Globe and Mail Monday, Oct. 20 2014 "Still, strategic voting has its perils. One vote...
  16. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Where will Doug go after he loses?
  17. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Sarah Neville, a communications trainer talks about subtile racism and sexism By: Sarah Neville Published on Mon Oct 20 2014 column in the Toronto Star "Are race...
  18. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Tweedle Dee and Tweedle...... Oh yes, DUMB Love it.
  19. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know what you mean. I get constant robo polls for two different ridings, my mother and sister do as well. I already voted, with my heart and for the candidate I think will be the best mayor, not the lesser of two evils.
  20. Kelly Girl

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Jamie Watt the Big C Conservative I like the comment in this twitter posting in which someone says, "Watt probably went to tell Peter Mansbridge what the think." There was Tory strategist (the Party, not the man) this morning telling Metro Morning listeners what to think in oh so neutral tone...
