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  1. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Hey, I'm only the messenger here! But in all fairness, we did elect a thug and former hash dealer for Premier and a crack head for mayor. So is an enforcer for school trustee really unexpected? Put the dots together folks.
  2. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Just perfect: Jennifer Pagliaro‏ As first reported by @goldsbie, I have confirmed Alexander “Sandro” Lisi, former mayor Rob Ford’s friend and sometimes driver whose charges were dismissed after *the* crack video was entered into evidence/released publicly, is running for TDSB trustee in Ward 1
  3. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    How else is Doug going to raise the money to pay Renata and the kids? We know he's run the business into the ground, so Doug actually needs this gig to survive. I can't wait to see how he deals with the lawsuit accusing him of stealing from the widow Ford and his niece and nephew. IIRC someone...
  4. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I'm afraid MetroMan might be right. When you give someone like Doug power he needs to use it. Who knows what he'll try if he thinks he can get away with it. I don't know what's up his sleeve, but I'm sure we haven't heard the last of his attacks on Toronto.
  5. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Doug is just doing what the Fords do best. Camping. ;) He has no idea how to govern so we're in for 4 years of crazy that his base will love. Sound familiar?
  6. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Renata is back in court this morning for her DUI charge. It's her third, so she might get jail time. betsy powell‏Verified account@powellbetsy 4m4 minutes ago She’s a widow, her sole source of income is late Mayor’s municipal pension, Morris says. She has “gained tremendous insight into life...
  7. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    I can't wait to see what he does about Renata's claim. She isn't going to settle for $1 or 2 million, she's asking for $16. Let's see how he bullies his way through this mess.
  8. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    The Star article said she's re-mortgaged the house for just under $800,000 at 8.5%. Hopefully she used some of it to fix up the house before selling. Didn't someone mention up thread that it looked like work was being done? I can understand needing $200-300,000. to run things for a couple of...
  9. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    The whole family has been draining the company with pretty generous salaries; Mama Ford, Randy, Kathy, Doug and the Ks, plus Rob and family. The business has been dying slowing and the Fords are still living like it's booming. It's starting to look like Dougie needs the Premier gig to pay...
  10. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Maximum CPP survivor's benefit is about $550. per month. She probably got his life insurance, but that wouldn't last more than a couple of years. Nothing else available as far as I know.
  11. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Shit. I bet you're right. Probably gave it to them as a wedding present and never put it in their names. Same with the leased vehicles, all in Deco's name. Sounds like something the cheapskate would do.
  12. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Her immediate problem is paying her bills. If it's true that she's got the house up for sale, that money won't last long (unless she moves in with her mom). I just hope there's actually some money for her to get from the Fords. We all know that Doug is capable of lying, cheating and generally...
  13. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    If she's relying on the Fords for money, she's in big trouble. I doubt she completely gave up her habits, so yes, it's probably really bad for the kids. Their mom is now the enemy and won't be forgiven, so any relationship they did have with the rest of the family is over. What a mess.
  14. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Just imagine the look on Doug's face when he heard that Renata had actually filed. She knows where a lot of bodies are buried and I was wondering if he would be stupid enough to try and screw her over financially. Like a lot of manufacturers (unless he's the only label maker in town) his...
  15. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    After watching the Ford debacle at CH and the mess south of the border, it's incredible that people will still vote for guys like Ford. It's got nothing to do with party affiliation, it's about being a decent human being. Why are people willing to overlook obvious flaws such as lack of good...
  16. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    And little red apples. Don't forget the apples. “You can be racist against people who have a drinking problem. You can be racist against people that eat little red apples.”
  17. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Wonder who's behind this? "Online guerrilla campaign takes aim at PC Leader Doug Ford"
  18. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Good old Doug, always has to be a shit disturber. This is all he could come up with after the sex-ed issue fizzled out. I doubt he'll pick up any new voters with this, he's going after his base, not expanding it. "PC leadership candidate Doug Ford opens controversial abortion debate"...
  19. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    Good call. They'd be quite the team, wouldn't they? Can you imagine him working with Doug?
  20. pattycakes

    Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

    And once again Doug is handing out $20. bills to his base. This time it's sex-ed which is almost better than cash for grabbing people's attention. Gotta give him credit for knowing his audience.
