News   Mar 07, 2025
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News   Mar 07, 2025
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News   Mar 07, 2025
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  1. S

    Toronto 350 Bloor East | 209.07m | 63s | Osmington Gerofsky | Hariri Pontarini

    I just received a For Sale notice for this building. I send out mailings to brokerages for commercial real estate for lease, so in return I am now on many mailing lists.
  2. S

    Ontario Science Centre

    The notification for RFP for that showed up in my inbox today. Sorry, you can't really see the details unless you have an account. But the body of the letter that is attached to the RFP is below:
  3. S

    2023 Toronto Mayoral by-election

    I had to laugh last week. A call came in, indentified as "Likely Fraud". I didn't answer. Later checked my voice mail and it was a robo-call from Brad Bradford. Likely Fraud, indeed.
  4. S

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Have they forgotten that they had 2 terms as a minority government?
  5. S

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    I just saw on CBC news that Ottawa Transit has their own heavy tows for buses. On that same news, they were towing trucks. There was the question if the transit heavy tows work for full on tractor trailer with trailer attached, but they will work for the cab only trucks.
  6. S

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Wah, people in Toronto aren't nice! :p
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    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    My dad is a long time conservative and got his shots. Don't the conservatives have a lot of the elderly support? And most of the people in that age group are very aware that they are the most vulnerable to COVID so are getting their shots.
  8. S

    What was the name of that 1980s stitch and pop crochet thing?!!

    I remember that commercial!! The footage of the inept crocheter and knitter still makes me laugh. And the "bonus" of the pom pom maker that you could actually make out of cardboard for free.
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Austria locks down unvaccinated As of midnight Monday, roughly two million Austrians eligible for vaccination, but who are not yet inoculated, are prohibited from leaving their homes except for basic activities like working, grocery shopping, going to school — or getting vaccinated.
  10. S

    Working from home vs. commuting to work during and after the pandemic

    Worked from home during lockdown and started back at the office as soon as I could. My workspace in the office is so much more comfortable and I get so much more work done there with all of the files and tools right where I need them. Our company is pretty much 100% back in office.
  11. S

    Mayor John Tory's Toronto

  12. S

    PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

    Yeah, he's been quite vocal that he's not interested. He left Your Morning to start producing. Since the bullying story with his wife has died down, I don't think he wants that dredged up again.
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    From the graphic, it looks like QR codes aren't until October 22.
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    Yup, already have seen posts on Twitter saying the approval was done too fast, so it isn't valid.
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    I have a niece that has been negatively influenced by her boyfriend's family and hasn't had the vax. But she is now discovering the limitations. She is quite close with her grandmother (my mom) and niece has found out that she won't be allowed to visit her grandmother in the retirement home...
  16. S

    44th Canadian Federal Election

    Say no if Justin Trudeau asks for an election, Jagmeet Singh tells new governor general
  17. S

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    CAMH was having clinics for those with needle phobia and fear of medical treatments. Regarding St Lawrence Market, I haven't seen anyone counting who goes in since last year some time, but then we are there before 6 am, so I assumed it was because there just wasn't the traffic that early. You...
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    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    I just heard a minute ago on Your Morning that Barbados is changing its rules to allow mixed vaccinations. I imagine it will take some time for everything to shake out.
  19. S

    Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

    According to this article, it's the Delta variant being introduced quickly from travel.
