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  1. GraphicMatt

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    I don't think it needs to be that complicated. Metrolinx is supposed to be the mechanism that ensures transit projects see continuity between governments. Enshrine them with powers that makes it tough for legislators to change their 25-year-plan. Develop a governance model that balances...
  2. GraphicMatt


    It will divert south, connecting to both Front Street & Mill Street along with some other new streets. It should be fairly effective at dispersing traffic. The new street light at King & River will also slow things down. (And make it easier for residents of the Corktown Districts Condos to get...
  3. GraphicMatt


    Yeah, it's really too bad they never even made it to open. With the new spa opening this spring and the migration of Studio B and Italinteriors down this way, we may be at the point where we start seeing more activity on this stretch of King East. Hopefully some entrepreneur sees the potential...
  4. GraphicMatt

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    No one's saying it'll be cheap or easy, but if they don't build it at some point over the next two or three decades we'll reach crisis point with capacity on Yonge. Nothing motivates a government to find capital dollars like news stories of commuters falling off platforms due to over-crowding.
  5. GraphicMatt

    Toronto 2024 Olympic Bid (Dead)

    Yes. The only way to get federal funds for a new subway line in Toronto is to hold the Olympics. Maybe I'm being too pragmatic, but I support an Olympic bid solely because it will lead to federal funding for Toronto infrastructure, something we haven't seen on a significant level in decades.
  6. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Bike Share

    I don't think it's that disliked by exec. Minnan-Wong rode a BIXI when he was doing media hits to promote his bike plan. BIXI hit some snags under the Miller council because some wanted to spurn the Montreal company and create a bike share out of the street furniture contract with Astral, if I...
  7. GraphicMatt

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My favourite bit of cognitive dissonance is that the same people who tear down unions for being entitled and overpaid will jump to the defence of present-day CEO salaries.
  8. GraphicMatt

    Exisisting Urban Rail Lines for Subway and LRT Use.

    Every time I go by the West Don Lands development I think about how perfectly located it is for frequent service on the rail corridor. Seems like a no brainer.
  9. GraphicMatt

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Yeah, aside from its place in Metrolinx's 25-year plan, there's no firm commitment on the DRL. Metrolinx will unveil its strategy to raise revenues for transit infrastructure in 2013. The strategy will consist mostly of road tolls, parking taxes and sales taxes. Politicians will immediately...
  10. GraphicMatt

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    Vaughan and Richmond Hill should be served with high-frequency GO service. Shoehorning the TTC into a new role as a regional transit provider because the province is too lazy to properly fund and expand GO is a mistake.
  11. GraphicMatt

    TTC: Sheppard Subway Expansion (Speculative)

    It's not about shifting standards, it's about dollars and cents. Sheppard doesn't draw enough riders to justify the cost of the service.
  12. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Can they run in-median over the bridge and still use automatic train operation? Because if not, it's really hard to come up with a business case for underground operation beyond appeasing the whims of a mayor who is, by all accounts, pretty damn unpopular. At least let council debate and vote...
  13. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    Residents of Eglinton-adjacent neighbourhoods would go nuts if you tried to elevate the line. NIMBY forces would overwhelm. He's assuming a lot when he says an EA wouldn't go to council or force public consultations. Kudos to Metrolinx if they can effectively stickhandle this, though.
  14. GraphicMatt

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The amendment is less scary than some are claiming: it basically says that you can't lock your bike to anything except a bike post for more than 24 consecutive hours. It's still annoying, though. I'd be more accepting if the city were actually keeping pace with demand for posts & rings, but...
  15. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    The issue with the Don Valley crossing is that it puts them in a tough spot. Either they build a new bridge structure (which will probably trigger an EA) or they run in-median on Eglinton over the crossing. If they do the latter -- and they *should* -- why bother building another portal and...
  16. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Bike Share

    It might make sense to only serve some areas in the summer, as opposed to year-round. Stations at Ashbridge's Bay would be amazingly well-used in the summer months.
  17. GraphicMatt

    Toronto Bike Share

    Apparently that move is part of a broader move that will see 10 stations moved east and west of current boundaries. Hoping for Distillery as well -- that'd get me to finally activate my membership.
  18. GraphicMatt

    Next mayor of Toronto?

    I get that that's how you perceive things, but you do understand that it's not really true, right? Curbing unions: Ford set in motion an 'essential service' designation for TTC workers that will lead them to one of their largest contract awards in history; he signed off the richest police union...
  19. GraphicMatt

    Extending Hwy 400 South

    Are you proposing a tunnelled expressway from Eglinton to the Gardiner with no on-ramps and off-ramps? What about the ramps from/to the Gardiner which, as adma noted, would have to cut right across a corner of High Park?
  20. GraphicMatt

    Richmond & Adelaide Streets

    The Eastern Ave bridge is scary as hell for cyclists. They'd need to do a lot of work to make that safe.
