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  1. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Also, do we really want to be throwning people out of work in times of economic trouble? I don't have a reliable source as to how many people are actually employed by the club industry, but it must be a significant number.
  2. T

    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    They could start by improving the transit link, as I've said, and then adding something that all amusement parks need.......RIDES! Yes, what's currently there is not bad, but a family can pretty much go through the park in only 2 hours or so, when I worked there I had more than a few guests...
  3. T

    Wind Turbines for Toronto Waterfront?

    Of course that makes just seems that anything like this will take a while, there's the Bluffs residents, who look like they're going to put up quite a fight and not to mention the approval process and environmental assessments.........
  4. T

    Yonge Express Subway (Y.E.S)

    All this sounds great, but it seems to me that funding, at least from the Provincial level, is all locked in with the MoveOntario2020 plan........which means Transit City, the Spadina extension to Vaughan and not much else.
  5. T

    Wind Turbines for Toronto Waterfront?

    I always wonder this about government long will this take. Would private construction companies be given the contracts? and then there's the matter of getting them hooked up to the grid.........
  6. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Not for a minute do I think Adam Vaughan should be removed. He was elected fairly......sorry if I ever implied that. If you live in the area, than yes, I can see why you are worried by the volume of clubs, and I've already said I agree that so many should not be located in one area.
  7. T

    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    I've actually considered that, but to get to Dufferin, I need to take another bus.........
  8. T

    Toronto Ontario Place | ?m | ?s | Infrastructure ON

    I worked at Ontario Place last summer and saw the accessablility first hand. As I'm a student I can't afford a car and parking pass, so was forced to take the 511 streetcar to the ex, and walk from there. Almost late for work every day! I think they could run either the 511 or the 509 south so...
  9. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Very caustic post Hydrogen! No I don't think he should be removed from office, he was elected fairly, and there he will stay until the next election. As well, I do believe that there are an excessive amount of clubs in one or two blocks in that district. However, what I've never heard from...
  10. T


    It's not that the buildings are run down, it;s that it lacks a human community. This is the problem throughout Etobikoke, Scarborough and North York. Big box plazas are designed with cars only in mind, thus making pedestrians feel small and forgotten. Without pedestrian traffic, criminals feel...
  11. T

    Ontario in the Creative Age

    Heavy manufacturing will probably never come back to Southern Ontario, but, Richard Florida neglects the importance of the trades. Those who lose their jobs in manufacturing plants arent all going to become Urban Studies professors! Nor would that be desirable, trades such as construction...
  12. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    I went to one, and he simply brushed off my complaints, basically telling me that since I go to clubs, I am somehow undesirable or a criminal. Very undemocratic behaviour.
  13. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    No they arent, as far as I can tell. Only the dirty/shady venues are closing at this point, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Usually the more upscale clubs have better security and a dress code, which makes it safer in general. Perhaps the city could impose a mandatory dress's...
  14. T

    Advice on best neighbourhoods to move too?

    Yeah, Allen and Eglinton would fit your criteria. Try Marlee Ave. (just west of Allen) lots of single bungalows and apartment buildings, and its a short walk to either Glencairn or Eglinton West stn.
  15. T

    Church-Wellesley Village

    That route would make more sense due to the houses/apartments along that route, especially Morningside north of Sheppard. but it would make it hell for commuters from the zoo area, and I think that's who the city is trying to help.
  16. T

    Strange bus routes

    I rode it from Sheppard to Rosehill that I think about it there seemed to be quite a few people using it as a regular service bus......but the woman beside me complained of the infrequent service; probably because of the subway.
  17. T

    Toronto Spadina Subway Extension Emergency Exits | ?m | 1s | TTC | IBI Group

    Thank God! Unfortunately, unless something goes horribly wrong, I'll have graduated York by then. Once it's finally done, I think I'll ride the route simply to enjoy what might have been........:)
  18. T

    Death of Clubland (aka: Is Adam Vaughan trying to kill the Club District?)

    Of course! Anyone can see that many venues are seedy and are not an asset to our city. Again, No reason to shut down the law abiding venues. Mr Vaughan had unfairly labled every dance club as a haven for crime.
  19. T

    Transit City Plan

    The Eglinton Crosstown line is another problem. On paper it seems like a great idea, but I live right at Eglinton and Allen Rd, so I see now narrow the street is. Where are they going to fit a dedicated streetcar line? Or if the line goes underground, where will the stops be? Sounds like an...
  20. T

    Strange bus routes

    Love the 97! It doesent make much sense as a bus route, but it's nice to travel along Yonge at street level during the day, you don't see much at 3 AM on the blue night!
