News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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News   Sep 26, 2024
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  1. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Anyways, I'm out suckers. Keep buying that RE. You're smarter than the Irish, Americans, Japanese, Spanish, British, etc.... RE can only go up and is the source of untold wealth. Debt is good. Remember that. Peace.
  2. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    $178K (supposedly) counts retirement savings + housing equity. That is not wealth but necessities-- insurance in the form of an income policy when you are too old to work to eat, and a house so you can work. In reality once the prices start dropping like rocks household wealth will drop to...
  3. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Interested I don't get why you come in here day in and day out and post tacit denials? Do you own speculative RE properties? Face reality. The bubble is going to burst very soon, actually, it probably starting bursting in July, but it takes a while for people to realize it. It will be the...
  4. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    A quick lesson on debt-to-income ratios. It is an AVERAGE. There are plenty of people who own their houses outright and have 0 debt. A large % of Canadians rent, 30%, so they do not have any mortgage debt. The realistic # is about 2-3x higher on average per mortgagee-- so a mortgagee easily has...
  5. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Sigh, I'm not going to argue with any of you, but as I stated before, if you can purchase a property and break even and hold it, you generate wealth by fulfilling someone's need for a roof over their head. This is how virtually all RE investors have made their money. The flippers, the few, have...
  6. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    PS Canada's housing market did crash back in '08 -- 17% I believe in a few short months, that's pretty huge. It looked like the behemoth had been slayed and was finally going to Correct, with a capital C. Then Flaherty and Co introduced 0/40's and Carney slashed prime to 0.25%. Then "magically"...
  7. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    I'll buy a $600k 350 sq ft condo. PS X2 Inflation = Money Supply x Money Velocity, interest rates are raised to decrease inflation because people pay down debt and spend less when interest rates are higher. Increased inflation results in higher interest rates, I think you have it the other...
  8. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    interested, did you not see my points earlier when I replied to Brian? Do you dispute any of those? Well, those were all present in Ireland, USA, Spain, UK, Japan, etc-- oh one more thing, the "It's different here, if there is a correction it won't be that bad, there can never be a crash here!"...
  9. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Rolling on the Floor, or right out fucking loud, :-) That's a good one. Keep in mind this is the same Benjmain Tal that has been saying over and over that prices will drop, now he's saying a crash isn't in the cards.
  10. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!? While “the next few quarters are safe†from Bank of Canada rate hikes, Tal said Canadian consumers are “exhausted†due, in part, to a 146% debt-to-income ratio, and as a...
  11. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Prime could easily go from 1 to 3-4% by the Spring, and mortgage rates would go up even more as they would price in the upwards price velocity. All I'm saying this is a textbook real estate bubble. All the real estate companies, mortgage companies, finance ministers etc are out in full force...
  12. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    You guys know nothing about RE investing. RE is always a sound investment, when you can purchase a property and rent it out, and generate equity. Over the long term, you build equity. As the bank realizes you know what the hell you're doing and that you're a good steward of their capital, they...
  13. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    rofl? Yes, no, you guys are right, prices will keep going up FOREVER! People are making $200K a year now on average and a $500K condo is chump change. A bubble is a bubble is a bubble. The academic definition of a bubble is when the majority of the market participants are speculators-- ie...
  14. P

    Am I crazy to buy a house?

    Forget the house or the condo, just take your downpayment, bury it in a garden, and water it twice daily. In about 6 months you'll see a money tree sprouting, and in two years time you'll have made a 200% ROI. "The Money Tree, making RE Speculators Richer Than Their Wildest Dreams Since 2002!"
  15. P

    Can't close my Neptune Condo - Take it off my hands

    Register a corporation (takes <48h, $221), go to Scotia and speak to them about one of their self-stated income loans. They don't verify income, just that the property exists. Ta-Da!
  16. P

    Baby, we got a bubble!?

    Pop! 1.65% = nearly 18% annualized, and it's only going to accelerate........... Can you smell that burning? That's your "equity", or rather, "negative equity", LOL!
  17. P

    It's Bursting

    Wow. Delusions. Save this thread for a couple months from now, ROFL "It is however here less likely that it is not a NINJA loan, falsified paperwork, mortgage teaser rate for 2 years and then ARM kicks in." Your logic didn't make sense there, I'm taking you're trying to argue that we...
  18. P

    It's Bursting

    First Baker calls the Canadian Housing Bubble, then the Olympic Village goes bankrupt. Jarislowsky called the bubble back in February. Jarislowsky, in his 80's, is a billionaire real estate investor...
