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Search results

  1. R

    Toronto 1745 St Clair West | 39.9m | 11s | Kultura | RAW Design

    The flea market site has been sold and will be redeveloped into rentals, perhaps as many as 1500 units in total.
  2. R

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Absent Metrolinx being given the authority (and composition) to coordinate both a long term regional transportation and road network, land use planning, and property monetization where regional politicians would have some role to play in approving funding for regional transportation,, he can...
  3. R

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    Why would the Mayor of Markham think that anyone cares or would even notice that he claims to have supported the "relief line"? Metrolinx's analysis betrays his remarks suggesting that the Yonge North extension can be built before any Yonge relief line. But why let facts get in the way of...
  4. R

    Toronto Lower Simcoe Ramp | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto

    I hate to say it but for a few exceptions most of the city looks half-assed and indifferent to good quality public space.
  5. R

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    I’m the first to admit that I’m not a transportation engineer nor an urban planner. But I just can’t see how a subway extension to Richmond Hill makes any sense. An extension to Steeles seems to make a lot of sense for both Toronto and for York. There is nowhere near the population density to...
  6. R

    Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

    As someone who lived there and took that line regularly, it is a circle line that runs though Beijing's inner suburbs and a couple of business areas, including part of the main one. It services a city of (at least) 21 million people that essentially has no commuter rail in the way that is...
  7. R

    Toronto 75 on The Esplanade | 99.97m | 29s | Harhay | a—A

    It could be as simple as the partner moving from one firm to the other and his client following her/him; it could be that a conflict developed or was discovered unexpectedly and the client had to move on. I wouldn't necessarily read too much into it.
  8. R

    TTC surface stop spacing

    That really nails it. The governance system is unsatisfactory for any city the size of Toronto, and encourages naked self-interest and hubris of parochial, ward driven politics. It's a race to the lowest common denominator. Politicians should direct overall city policy and spending, representing...
  9. R

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    The structure begets the personnel and the personnel then entrench the structure. It's a downward spiral. I don't know which, among many, alternative governance structures would be most suitable for Toronto. There are many to pick from. What I do know, after witnessing this combination of...
  10. R

    Yonge Street, North York Streetscape Improvements

    There is nothing remotely admirable or redeemable about Shiner's mischief. His behaviour has been underhanded and surreptitious. As I understand it his western ward boundaries are between Finch and Steeles, north of the recommended work. So he has helped cause this truly Toronto style mess by...
  11. R

    Toronto Ten93 Queen West | 28.35m | 9s | Pemberton | RAW Design

    It's a really nice addition to the area, but man, just to go a bit off topic for a moment, those pictures remind me just how shabby a lot of Toronto's public realm is - broken sidewalks and crumbling streets, dying street trees, wires strung up all over the place. Just a personal thing but I...
  12. R

    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    TPS non-enforcement will pretty much guarantee that the pilot doesn't meet its objectives.
  13. R

    King Street (Streetcar Transit Priority)

    I spoke to the TTC employee at the northeast corner of King and University. She's been there since 6 a.m. I watched several cabs and other cars sail straight through the intersection. She said that there hasn't been a single police officer there all day other than a paid duty officer between 6...
  14. R

    Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

    I'm not sure that I've seen or understand how traffic signal priority is going to work on the above ground section. Without full grade separation, isn't there a big risk that the above ground section could bottleneck the whole line?
  15. R

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    That level of complication is unfortunate. I'm not sure it would need to be high rise. I would think something more like Avenue road would improve the neighbourhood. As it is it looks like Edmonton and holds the area back a bit IMO. Maybe some street scape improvements in the short term could...
  16. R

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    Looks better in pictures than in person, but that's strictly my opinion. I'm sure this has been noted before but that 4 block stretch of Yonge Street between Sheppard and the 401 is absolutely hideous, with gas stations, dilapidated strip malls, an auto body shop and massage parlours. Any...
  17. R

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    You'll get on, sometimes after one or two trains. That's a pretty low bar though.I know people that drive to Finch just so they can get a seat and not arrive at work irritated and having been jostled for 45 minutes. Building schools is about as far from being an easy fix as there is. You are...
  18. R

    Toronto Emerald Park Condos | 128.92m | 40s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    I also live in the area and am a homeowner. There is a difference between being able to physically accomodate more people (I completely agree about Sheppard west of Yonge, for example) and having the infrastructure to actually support more people. I don't agree with Councilor Filion's...
  19. R

    Toronto York Harbour Club | ?m | 17s | Plaza | BDP Quadrangle

    The thing that stands out is the almost total lack of animation at street level. Part of that is the street design which is not really designed for human circulation, and the other part is the dearth of any retail, restuarants etc. Feels like in belongs in Vaughan or Markham, but even those...
