News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Search results

  1. M

    Frans restaurant; 'A Toronto tradition since 1946'

    Ah, Frans. *The* place to go after a vicious all-nighter. There, nursing a hangover, you can fill yourself with the four essential food groups - sugar, grease, caffine and burnt crunchy bits - and imagine you have warped into the 1960s (and thus that last night didn't really happen and you won't...
  2. M

    Sketches Of Toronto - 1858

    That is a cool book. Great find. I love the annotations and even the period advertisements at the end! :)
  3. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    They are indeed - but also, as a generality, famously high-maintenance. [My best friend is married to an Iranian woman. Both stereotypes apply in full. ;)]
  4. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    If I may return to an earlier point - I apologize for a late reply, I'm not a frequent visitor. This is a very good point, and as I believe you mentioned earlier it is a double-edged one. I agree with everything but the last half of the last sentence: "...that this extends into the work...
  5. M

    Buying in your Twenties (Globe)

    I think it isn't simply a financial issue. I have no doubt that everything you say is correct. But there is an undeniable satisfaction that owning your own place brings, which should enter the equation somehow. Sometimes, as I said above, I think chasing that satisfaction leads to unwise...
  6. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    Whether these factors - one could loosely cal them "social cohesion" - work for the advantage or disadvantage of any particular group is of course a question of culture. Some groups have more cohesion than others, and those often tend to do well - for example, Sikhs and Jews. They often...
  7. M

    Buying in your Twenties (Globe)

    Heh, obviously we are very similar. In response Whatever, I'm the last person to knock the satisfaction of home ownership. It is worth paying a lot for, to look around your place and know "this is mine. I own it. I am ultimately responsible for it. And within reason I can do what I want with...
  8. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    Not what I said at all. You are taking my nuanced argument and making a straw-man of it. The straw man is easy to attack or, better, to hand-wave away. In fact, if you read what I wrote, pretty well each one of your "summations' is incorrect. I did not say, for example, that men but not women...
  9. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    Don't agree. Certainly, women on average earn less, but the notion that gender discrimination is so severe that there is in effect no difference between White women and non-White women makes no sense. Would not various forms of discrimination have a cumulative effect? Plus, according to...
  10. M

    Buying in your Twenties (Globe)

    I agree - but I don't think that this means that one should go right out and buy a condo asap in your 20s, with a minimum down payment and a maximum of mortgage. I think home ownership should be a long-term goal you work towards. Jumping right in may be financially unsound. This strikes me...
  11. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    Well, now we are getting somewhere. :) That statistics site is a good find and the sort of thing the article would have done well to reference. You will note that the source you posted paints a somewhat different picture than the one in the article, and one that does not support its conclusions...
  12. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    Well, first we'd have to know if it is true of not. The article has two things to say about education and "racialized" minorities: #1: That "racialized" youth are at risk of not obtaining education at all: #2: That "racialized" youth are "losing ground", in spite of having better...
  13. M

    Globe Series on Tourism in Toronto

    Very good point.
  14. M

    Racism in Toronto Workforce

    The article isn't very informative as to cause and effect. Certainly, highly educated recent immigrants are likely to fare worse than their locally-born counterparts, as their work experience and degrees are less relevant and accepted - but, while that practice is arguably an unfair barrier...
  15. M

    Man sought in Yonge subway sex assault

    :D Now, this made me smile. :D
  16. M

    Shabby Toronto

    Some generic houses near where I live in Etobicoke: A generic bridge in a park in winter, again near where I live: I think you haven't gotten out very much.
  17. M

    Shabby Toronto

    Have you ever actually *been* to any of these places? :D
  18. M


    I have always liked Niagra-on-the-Lake. A great place to just wander around, take in a play, walk along the greenway, admire some gracious old houses, have a fancy breakfast made for you at a B&B, sample some wine. Sure it is touristy, but sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered - slow...
  19. M

    City Panhandling Strategy

    What I dislike is not begging per se, but those who approach you and attempt to engage you in a long, rambling conversation about some problem they have ... with their brother ... was supposed to meet them with his truck ... and so on and on and on, which eventually *leads* to begging. This...
  20. M

    Shabby Toronto

    I really do not get some of the above comparisons. I was *in* Manhattan just the other day - flew into Newark, then took the train and the subway. I saw plenty worse on that short journey that I've seen anywhere in Toronto, ever. Some parts of Newark seen from the train look like sets for...
