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  1. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    He shouldn't be forced to identify it publicly - but if either he has a disorder or is taking treatment that's affecting his performance to the point that he appears impaired at public events, should he not address it in some way to reassure the public that he isn't drunk or stoned or about to...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah, I don't know that I could say what exactly was wrong there, but if he wasn't high, he certainly did not look at all well.
  3. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree that one could argue Rob Ford 'accomplished' these things - but delaying and/or cancelling transit expansion, politicizing the transit planning process, and making it nearly impossible to have a grown-up conversation about how to fund the creation of a public transportation network that...
  4. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This point is really crucial. Even if I'm unconvinced that keeping hard drugs illegal is the most effective way to reduce the harm of addiction, I'm really, really uncomfortable with civic leaders who involve themselves, even peripherally, with the criminal elements that distribute them right...
  5. T

    From suburban to urban

    I resemble this remark - took the bus and subway downtown from Richmond Hill whenever the opportunity arose in high school, started staying over at my boyfriend's apartment on Ontario Street on weekends once I started university, and moved into the city as soon as I could afford rent...
  6. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Do you think they will? After hearing the last bit of Ford's speech, when he claimed that his next fight will be to extend a subway from Sheppard to Finch*, I'm pretty worried that no matter who is elected mayor in 2014, council is going to be too divided about which parts of the city 'deserve'...
  7. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, it wouldn't surprise me if many of the councillors aren't making particularly good use of their office budgets. It would be an interesting project to compare them in more depth and look at who is spending more in which categories. However, I do think that Rob (as both councillor and mayor...
  8. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I couldn't get away from that thought either, until I walked out onto my balcony to try to figure out what was going on and saw the firetrucks on Gladstone. (I really hope that the two people injured in the fire are going to recover.)
  9. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I know that Ford was cited in 2007 for not reporting his personal spending on office-related expenses. In later years, he has reported some spending - but we have no way of knowing if it reflects the actual cost of running the Mayor's office (ditto for Doug Ford). The fact that it's so much...
  10. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I imagine that the next step will be accusing the media of somehow tricking Rob Ford into saying that Lisi is his friend during last Tuesday's gas station "press conference".
  11. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And he's going to Texas to lower Toronto's unemployment rate more, and that's what's important; besides, Lisi's a good guy that he's never seen take a drink, and he doesn't throw his friends under the bus. Anything else? It was as though he decided to trot out every one of the deflections that...
  12. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm also curious to know the source of this - is it anecdotal or based on polling data or analysis of Chinese-language media or...?
  13. T

    Toronto isn't alone in destroying its history: Cincinnati Public Library

    I seem to remember finding that whole set-up sort of disturbing when I was at U of T.
  14. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think you might be partially wrong, though I'd agree that "One Toronto" probably won't be enough to win the election for Chow by itself. I do believe that a successful campaign against Ford needs to emphasize that a key part of Chow's mission and vision for Toronto is to connect all the...
  15. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    John Lorinc's piece on how Ford's "subways" discourse has damaged effective transportation planning in the city for a long-time to come seems depressingly accurate to me. I suspect this will hold true even if Ford loses in 2014, and that may be the single most damaging thing he's done to the city.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It may be politics, but personally I find it pretty offensive that Ford shows up simply to ensure that a vote to study the cost of improving city services fails.
  17. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't feel especially conflicted over the issue itself. I agree with John Mascarin's comments on CBC earlier this week that either way is 'democratic', but a by-election seems to be the preference of the people in question, and I think that the selection of an appointee could turn into a very...
  18. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Indeed. I was mainly unsure if significant police resources would be devoted to investigating whether a person was - for example - picking up a woman working a downtown street corner. If there are connections with prostitution through organized crime/drug trafficking, that would certainly be a...
  19. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think it might be a bombshell in the sense that if confirmed it might cost Rob Ford a significant chunk of his political base and be a blow to his public image (although I wouldn't count on it). I'm not sure that hiring prostitutes in and of itself would be a significant issue in a criminal...
  20. T

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    This isn't how I understand the letters sent to the Fords by the OPC, although I do think the Star has been a bit disingenuous in their characterization of this as an oportunity for the Fords to refute the allegations. The Star article states that the OPC letters invite the Fords to submit their...
