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Search results

  1. Irishmonk

    Toronto 1366 Yonge | 159.3m | 49s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

    So the idea is to turn an unusually classy, elegant mid-rise stretch of Yonge Street into NYCC...? My feelings are pretty much word for word what Charleton Heston bellowed at the end of Planet of the Apes.
  2. Irishmonk

    Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

    Hell, why not have both!?
  3. Irishmonk

    Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

    To be fair, they may have been less cheaply built if allowed to be taller. For instance, I wonder if Nobu would have been as egregiously cheaped out if allowed to rise to, say, 60 or 70 stories.
  4. Irishmonk

    Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

    This is the one building I really wish was (apologies in advance for employing this way overused and, frankly, insipid term) a supertall. And I mean Asian style ST, like, over 400 meters. It's a dynamic, unique, beautifully detailed tower, that if stretched to its ideal form would just look so...
  5. Irishmonk

    Toronto Concord Canada House | 231.97m | 74s | Concord Adex | Arcadis

    Watching this rise enables us to gauge with increasing accuracy where on the ugly-scale this is going to end up--1 being something like Aura, and 10 being along the line of the Ryugyong Hotel in N Korea before the glass was added..
  6. Irishmonk

    Toronto 522 University Avenue | 232.35m | 64s | IA Financial Group | WZMH

    Disgusting. With all we know about climate change and how urgent the situation is now, there should be an absolute ban on destroying perfectly functional buildings of this size. Especially if the replacement is going to have the exact same function. Even more so if the original has architectural...
  7. Irishmonk

    Toronto St Lawrence Market North | 25.3m | 5s | City of Toronto | Rogers Stirk Harbour

    Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
  8. Irishmonk

    St Lawrence Market

    They're far too busy nabbing speeding cyclists in High Park.
  9. Irishmonk

    Dundas West/ Bloor Mobility Hub +interconnected hub network (Metrolinx)

    Sounds like a perfect chase scene for any generic crime thriller flick.
  10. Irishmonk

    Toronto T3 Bayside | 42m | 10s | Hines | 3XN

    And produces far fewer greenhouse gases. Frankly, I don't see any downsides to timber frame, so let's make every mid-rise with it. .
  11. Irishmonk

    President Joe Biden's United States of America

    Along with most of Canada. Of course if things get so bad that people have to move here just to survive, the game is over for everybody.
  12. Irishmonk

    Toronto Ace Hotel Toronto | 44.8m | 13s | Carbon Hospitality | Shim-Sutcliffe

    Very, very nice. Can't wait to win the lottery so I can stay there during my Toronto visits!
  13. Irishmonk

    President Joe Biden's United States of America

    For the long, long term investor Detroit might also make sense.
  14. Irishmonk

    Toronto Rogers Centre Renovations | ?m | ?s | Toronto Blue Jays | Populous

    So, Lipstick on a Pig Ballpark at Rogers Center it is!
  15. Irishmonk

    Toronto 123 Edward | 189.05m | 59s | Crown Realty Partners | Turner Fleischer

    This proposal could be the moment Toronto developers crossed the line from everyday villainy to cartoonish supervillainy.
  16. Irishmonk

    President Joe Biden's United States of America

    Thursday's EPA ruling may have an even bigger impact--both in America and across the world--than Roe v Wade. June 29th was a dark, dark day for America. And there are going to be even worse days in the near future with this Supreme Court. America as we once knew it is finished.
  17. Irishmonk

    2022 43rd Ontario general election (June 2, 2022)

    That's marvelous when it works, but without electoral reform and/or a rejigging of the three left of centre parties this province will always be at the mercy of the 18% who voted PC.
  18. Irishmonk

    2022 43rd Ontario general election (June 2, 2022)

    Electoral reform is the only way to keep populitst PC thugs like Ford out of power since the 3 leftish parties are incapable of working together. It might help if the Liberal party simply vanished since that brand has become so tarnished and uninspiring. The NDP would then have to move to the...
  19. Irishmonk

    Sheppard Line 4 Subway Extension (Proposed)

    I'm sure at some point Doug Ford will contemplate bringing it all the way to his front porch and probably insist that at least one station bear the name of his deceased brother. If anything can be stamped as his (Doug's) legacy it's Toronto"s "subways, subways, subways.". And nothing does this...
  20. Irishmonk

    Sheppard Line 4 Subway Extension (Proposed)

    A full crosstown Shepherd has loads of potential--with multiple interchanges within the expanding network--esp considering that this is an honest to god subway, unlike the watered down hybrid a few klicks to the south.
