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  1. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I just figured with Brian Burke trying to sue commenters instead of the sites they commented on that the sites weren't responsible
  2. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hey a commenter on the blog just pointed this out: "Smith was a former player on the team Ford coached." That's from back in May. I don't remember seeing that. Was that just an error or did we...
  3. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And Goldsbie's answers to these two questions: @goldsbie @QueenBathurst1 1) I believe [sites] potentially are. 2) Yes, I tried. I had no luck, but someone at another publication did.
  4. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Link please!
  5. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A couple of questions this raises: 1. Why did the Grid remove it? I thought commenters were liable for their own comments (i.e. the Brian Burke situation) not the sites they appear on 2. Why are we just hearing about it now? Did Goldsbie or anyone else try to track this person down and...
  6. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah but that's the thing. It's just one staffer's word against another's. And even the staffer who says Ford told him he knew him says there was no elaboration beyond that. Believe me I wish it was more damning but I honestly don't think it really tells us much more than we already knew -...
  7. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A quick write-up of what on first glance I was able to find relevant about the Ford/Smith link. One staffer says they knew each other, another says Ford says they didn't. So as much as I wish it was it's not definitive from the new info...
  8. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It actually says no more interviews until Traveller completed: 27) On May 19th, 2013 as per Staff Superintendent RAMER ( 4951) it was decided that no further interviews would take place in relation to the suggestions that Mayor FORD was smoking crack or the possibility that the recording is on...
  9. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Shit. Gonna be a painful evening then in service of tomorrow morning's post...
  10. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah I was hoping to have a written transcript so I could pull quotes more quickly. I'd prefer not to have to rewatch the entire shitshow to do so.
  11. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    TMMIS has minutes of council meetings but does anyone provide full transcriptions?
  12. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Okay but that was sort of a free for all. Isn't there a formal asking of the specific questions in the motions?
  13. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Can someone explain how this works now? If all those motions carried, when are those requests formally made and Ford given his opportunity to respond to them? Right now? Next council meeting? EDIT: @ddale8 Motion to ask Mayor Rob Ford to answer to council on these issues passes 33-9. He may...
  14. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The abstentions are interesting - Perks on 2, Stintz on 3, Stintz and Wong-Tam on 4 and 5...
  15. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    REFERRAL FAILS! Amazing!
  16. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Peruzza was pretty solid just there.
  17. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I agree. They need to do something now. If they refer without also doing something now they're just putting it off to a bureaucrat to tell them what should already be obvious about his behaviour. This waiting and seeing is awful. And I'm also sick of councillors invoking the slippery slope...
  18. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To my knowledge you're right. It is just a formal reprimand. It still carries no penalties that I know of. I could be wrong though.
  19. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hah! What a dick, "I could swear to the holy god that Councillor Perks was under the influence of something when he attacked me."
  20. J

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Mammo shut up about the drug testing.
