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News   Jul 26, 2024
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News   Jul 26, 2024
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  1. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I was under the impression that drug consumption was legal, but possession was illegal. If this is true, what does mandatory drug testing prove? Couldn't councillors claim they somehow accidentally ingested cannabis? It's easy to imagine someone eating a cannabis infused baked good without...
  2. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Perks freaked out at Mammo after Mammo refused to apologize edit, I was really late to the party!
  3. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    It was a reference to AD&D, not meant to be taken quite so literally. Agreed. Although arguably Ford is being treated better than the common drunk driving crack smoker; hopefully there's a reason (bigger fish) for this.
  4. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Lawful evil is still evil. edit I'm wrong. This is lawful neutral. Jusbokeh doesn't care about ethics, if he were lawful evil he would care about being bad. Apologies, I should not have implied that Jusbokeh was evil.
  5. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    In doing so Ford (yet again) violates his own personal code of being a transparent "straight talker". Naturally he's free to do so, and the fools that follow him are free to ignore his hypocrisy.
  6. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    To true leaders, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. There's no reason Ford, and Hotmail LLB, can't go in, and talk to the police together, and try to help. I really hope that if/when Ford is held accountable, that his lack of cooperation is taken into account.
  7. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Almost guaranteed! It's really a shame, if you're willing to change, rehab works wonders. Too bad Ford is surrounded by enablers.
  8. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have a theory on why the Ford family won't let Rob go to rehab. Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, I haven't seen it, and I read every page, but there's been a lot of content lately, and it's easy to accidentally miss posts. From what I understand of rehabilitation programs...
  9. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If you have the time, and the patience (I usually lack both), a Socratic approach works wonders. Generally, I'm inclined to argue, but I don't find that as effective as just asking questions, followed by more questions. This doesn't really work with higher order Ford supporters who will...
  10. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've got the check with Dante, hold on a minute...
  11. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think that stepping down somehow implies an end to Ford's "fiscal agenda", where as stepping aside implies that the successor will continue to pursue Ford's "fiscal agenda". Given what I've seen during Ford's tenure I have no idea how these people think they're actually saving anybody...
  12. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I felt the same. Also all I could think of was the John Tory Toronto Life quote, and how we're living "Robbie's turn". We're living the realization of a dysfunctional family's dream. That's horrifying.
  13. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You could well be right. I just wanted to hear myself speculating about the Ford's reaction.
  14. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Exactly, even with a unanimous vote, excluding Doug/Rob, Ford Nation will argue conspiracy. Somehow they'll label anti-abortionist DMW a pinko, and shout about how Wynne hasn't been elected. Maybe they'll spin it as a cover up of the power plant scandal. Then maybe Doug will get up, and...
  15. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    True again. Although at this point we're actually waiting on (more) credible sources, like the TPS. Also I've gotten pretty used to getting let down by less credible sources. Remember Thanksgiving :)
  16. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You're right. We'll see what happens. I'm not holding my breath, I've not got any reason to take ManuvSteele seriously. I don't think he's gone to the trouble of doing anything elaborate like this before, not that that means anything.
  17. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can only assume you're joking given the fact that most "hackers" who are caught, end up that way after bragging! Then once caught they tend to flip really quickly. Just look at the summer of LulzSec
  18. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You may well be correct. I get a little defensive about computers. Sorry about that!
  19. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    We do if we use the word Hacker in the classical sense, instead of the pejorative the media pushes. However even that is starting to get hackers in trouble:
  20. Bennett000

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hackers don't use macs? Somebody tell Charlie Miller! Admittedly, I find working with OS X frustrating, but at least you can get a proper shell, and compile just about any *NIX package. Furthermore, there's nothing preventing a...
