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  1. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Two incidents: The security guard we've seen for a long time was the one shoving the cameraman (seen on the Vine video clip). The new driver guy was the one who allegedly punched someone in the solar plexus. No video, as yet.
  2. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That CurrAnt site is well-known for being so unfunny and badly written that its articles get mistaken for news reports of real but slightly odd events. Goes 'viral' for that reason every now and then; never for being funny or trenchant. Agree with earlier observation that Renata must have...
  3. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed. Major league jerk-off. Less of a Ford Nationalista/populist, more of a true-believer libertarian type. In other words, the sort of conservative who thinks the main point of conservativism is, "it's virtuous to be a selfish douche." According to Mammo (I know, I know, take it from the...
  4. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Here's what I'm hoping will happen at tomorrow's council meeting. Rather than the "bloodbath" or "public flogging" that Dougie Jr. is so obviously hoping for, or long-winded political grandstanding, I'd rather see the councillors calmly ask the mayor a series of short, pointed, lawyerly, Tom...
  5. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think this was shared already, but worth a re-read in light of MetroMan's latest: If Rob Ford only takes a couple of weeks off, we're screwed I'm (slightly) less pessimistic than this guy. I do think the crack admission and the coke freak-out video has damaged Robbie's core 'brand' very...
  6. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Agreed, big time. But the fact that Dougie is now giving a half-assed endorsement of Rob going on some kind of token "rehab" probably indicates he now realizes this step is necessary. And Norm Kelly said today that Rob is willing to consider a leave, but "not as long as we might like," or words...
  7. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't even know what you're trying to say here. Never heard of that. Even if that was his intent, few if any would go easy on him because of it. If you're going to be forgiving on that quote, better to say that perhaps he was trying to say "[some folks say that] they're just f---ing...
  8. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hotmail Shyster actually said, "Why would they even do that?" What a total shitshow. Clarification: I didn't mean to say Ford's humiliation is hilarious.... it's very sad actually. Was referring to blog link about the reality show.
  9. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So Kathy and Diane did that CP24 interview without Rob's foreknowledge or permission? Am I reading that Wormington (typo, but it stays) article right?? God, what a day of total humiliation for Rob. ----- Also: This blog thingy is hilarious. Must-read.
  10. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Dougie Ford's own definition of Ford Nation, as given to the Sun:
  11. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes. When/if Rob dies an early death, it will all be blamed on the media that hounded him, the "elites," etc. etc. It will just confirm the family's and the true believers' conviction all the more. Epistemic closure is a powerful thing. Doug's comparison of Rob to Princess Diana being chased...
  12. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Robbie and Dougie must think they're master media manipulators. They don't need to take advice from their staff, or communications professionals. Haven't they noticed that their ham-fisted, panicked, reactive approach has made them look worse and worse at every turn? Not that I'm complaining.
  13. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Re. the prospect of a handjob video becoming public— THIS. The bizarre b.s. line that Robbie was so out of it that he doesn't remember when he might have smoked crack—the drunken stupor thing—is meant to lay the groundwork for explaining away whatever future video is coming out, or whatever...
  14. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Jeet Heer, a Toronto writer, just shared this on his public Facebook page:
  15. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Someone on The Twitter just pointed out that the forecast is calling for 15-20 mm of rain. Can't verify this just now...
  16. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Let 'em bitch and whine.
  17. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My two cents: something that plays on the mistrust many of us now feel towards the mayor, the dissatisfaction with his vague, evasive answers. That gets Ford where it hurts: his whole brand is predicated on him being a "straight-shooter." And yet we know he is anything but. I also think the...
  18. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Wasn't Nunziata (surprisingly) one of the six exec members whose concerns were relayed to Ford by Kelly today? Here's a quote from her in the Sun: "Yesterday when I first read about it, I was very shocked, disappointed, but I want to give the mayor an opportunity to digest everything and make a...
  19. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Evva, pay no attention to what Ruby had to say. Blair's spokesthingy was right—he's just injecting himself into the story to get some attention. Though I often like him, on this point Ruby has no basis to say what he is saying. Maybe he's just bitter that his own quixotic legal campaign did not...
  20. Huge Seagull

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I definitely think Hotmail Lawyerâ„¢ was intending to quote what Blair had said, when he said "I've seen the video." That part came right before he noted what Blair did NOT say. Torontoist should have put single-quotes around that bit as follows: EDIT: James beat me to the punch....
