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Search results

  1. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Latest Poll I will be surprised if Ford actually polls at 30 per cent or above on election night. After looking at some of the crosstabs on the most recent batch of polls I think he'll poll somewhere between 25 and 29%
  2. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Cities Ain't Pretty Name me a city that doesn't have a great deal of ugliness in its past. Violence, exploitation, greed, racism, barbarism, and stupidity. Do you think NYC, Chicago, London, Rome, Paris, Berlin, Beijing, Hong Kong etc, etc, have all been beds of roses throughout their...
  3. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    New Poll??? New poll??? What is this "new poll" of which you speak? I can't find any reference to it anywhere.
  4. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Karla Or Patient Zero.
  5. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hockey Analyst A former enforcer, perhaps? I know that doesn't narrow it down very much, but think about it ... a lot of them are former enforcers who self-medicated, etc, etc.
  6. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Hockey Analyst A former hockey player perhaps? I know that doesn't narrow it down very much, but think about it ... a lot of them are former enforcers who self-medicated, etc, etc.
  7. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Poll Illiteracy There's quite a bit of polling illiteracy out there, even among veteran journalists who ought to know better. For example, both Forum and Main Street Technologies did snap polls the day Doug declared and rushed them into publication. It was pretty shoddy work on a day when...
  8. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Forum Yes, you're right. Doug gets 31% tonight. Forum always seems to inflate the Fords' voter intention numbers but I don't think it's anything nefarious. They're still calling landlines exclusively I think which skews the sample somewhat and forces them to heavily weight some of their...
  9. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    again, it was mostly the fact that he couldn't catch his breath. But you're right, he's showing less & less patience with reporters challenging him these days and when he gets exasperated his voice starts to rise. It's just another thing he's doing now that he wasn't doing in 2010, because back...
  10. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Out of Breath I don't think Ford was drunk or on drugs, just badly out of breath for that entire news conference after having to climb a couple flights of stairs at Don Mills station. So much for all those "workouts." What I find even more interesting is that this subway event was so...
  11. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    New Poll CTV will unveil the results of a new Nanos poll in the Toronto mayoral race at 6pm. Should be interesting. Might give us some insight into whether last week's Forum Poll was a blip or whether it reflects a trend towards Ford. My guess is Doug was hammering Tory b/c the numbers...
  12. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Fords Kids The apprehension is well-known. Multiple sources confirmed it a while ago. What I dont know is what the Ford domestic arrangement is now. Would love to hear from anyone with any insight on that.
  13. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    yes, there were apprehended several months ago. I have heard Renatas parents were their guardians for a while but this ended when one of her parents fell ill. Not sure what the situation is now.
  14. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Some analysis Everyone who is spooked by the latest Forum Poll should read this: Eric Grenier is a thoughtful, and thorough observer of the polling industry in this country. Sort of the Nate Silver of Canada. In this post he links to an article on the poll he wrote...
  15. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Forum Forum has been the only pollster that has been in the field regularly in Toronto over the past 4 years. So, its surveys have been useful for spotting trends. And I must say given its recent track record in other elections, Forum's reputation for inaccuracy is overstated. I'm...
  16. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Forum Poll suggests 2 trends: 1. Ford's support appears to stagnant in the low-to-mid-20's. All his secondary numbers are still decisively negative. 2. Chow's support appears to be falling and Tory is the beneficiary. Not sure how far apart they really are b/c Forum polls landlines...
  17. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    The Forum Poll suggests 2 trends: 1. Ford's support appears to stagnant in the low-to-mid-20's. All his secondary numbers are still decisively negative. 2. Chow's support appears to be falling and Tory is the beneficiary. Not sure how far apart they really are b/c Forum polls landlines...
  18. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Send me a private message and we'll talk.
  19. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Ogrizek Contact me privately.
  20. W

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Montreal. Teaches English Lit at Dawson College. Lived in Toronto and GTA in late 80's and again in the early '90's.
