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  1. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    +1,000 I sufficiently trust that the CBC did adequate due diligence to get the most basic facts verified. Any details (i.e., did Ford 'escape' the hospital to grab a Timmies, etc.) just won't make any difference as to whether I think any more or less of the man. I don't think it would change...
  2. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Fords comments are racist & he says he's racist - he IS racist. But I think he really meant to say that he was the 'least' racist guy around & somehow his inner truth came out in the quote below: “Nobody sticks up for people like I do, every f–king k–e, n—-r, f–king w-p, d–o...
  3. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My head will explode if they say anything else along the lines of, "hey, but it's ok - he's going to come out a few pounds lighter..."
  4. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

  5. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    When John Lancaster mentions the '11th hour', does anyone have a timeline to put this in context?
  6. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I suspect it's possibly that - which means reporters will be busy pouring over the details & Doug providing 'proof' of rehab. Wouldn't read more than this into it...that will keep them busy enough, I reckon.
  7. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And odd from CBC. Anyway, I suppose we will know how busy John's afternoon is if it all 'plays out'!
  8. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You beat me to this. Hmm... Wonder how this will play out?
  9. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I keep thinking about the last Rob Ford Taiwanese Animation video
  10. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've re-watched the video that came out this morning. First of all, I can't help but laugh every time I see his choreographed 'ka-pow!' move and the way the camera-person jerks the camera up to keep Ford in the frame. If nothing else, you gotta say the man has moves! This 5 seconds of video...
  11. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Haha - I only recently realized how much I used that word irl - and now I stop myself from using it when speaking. However, the use of the 'f' word in this post was deliberate - I was trying to be funny by mimicking DoFo. (...I guess if I have to explain the joke it's not funny). :)
  12. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well, I was thinking it might be those folks on his campaign… you know, the trailer park guy or Ben Johnson?
  13. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So he is going with the 'someone else' angle...
  14. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You know what? You're right - that would actually work for me…yet the skeptic in me has the odds of it playing out this way at 1000/1
  15. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I can't think of anything that Doug could put out that would satisfy me wrt Rob being in Rehab all this time. Whatever he does put out is going to be weak, it's going to be backed up by ambiguities and it's going to leave 1,000 more questions than it answers. Short of a statement from the head...
  16. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I've got the feeling that Warmington has been hanging on to this video since last week - he's stacking material to generate more daily clicks on the Sun website. This is his swan-song and he knows it (IMO).
  17. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    And... here is the link to the video I mentioned above: (WARNING... this links to a Warmington piece)
  18. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Of course they do... And this... ETA - the video is apparently from late April, shows Ford clearly intoxicated & speaks of 'troubles at home' according to CP24
  19. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I don't think this was mentioned a few days ago... one section of the "Rehab is AMAZING" Wormington article stated: I remember when I first read this I thought it was peculiar and deliberate that mention of Renata was not made. Kinda reenforced the Renata/Rob split rumours for me.
  20. P

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Captain Sweatpants
